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Announcements Gate.io Instructions on Posts (WEB)

Gate.io Instructions on Posts (WEB)

2021-10-30 02:37:37 UTC 113468 Read

1.Gate.io Posts Instruction

Dear Users,

Gate.io has launched a “Posts ”section which offers a lot of exciting features. You can share your moments and activities, follow others and much more. In order to maintain a healthy and orderly environment, protect users’ rights, and improve user experience here, all users shall comply with laws and regulations and the Posts Instruction when using Posts functionality at Gate.io. Please read the Gate.io Posts Instruction carefully and communicate and share your information in a rational and polite way. Let’s build a friendly and healthy interactive environment together!

Activating or using the Posts functionality in any form, directly or indirectly, will be deemed that you agree to all the content in this statement and commit to following the rules.

1. Any images, information, video, links, and other content posted at the Posts section is made public by the user who published them and the user is solely liable for his/her behavior; the original author reserves the copyrights to the information and content. Republishing of any content shall be for informative purposes only. Any user should strictly follow the republishing rule and keep the information and content intact and truthful in uploading, downloading, republishing, transferring, or using the information and content. In case of any disputes or infringements caused by improper conduct, the user should be solely liable for any damages and consequences. Gate.io doesn’t take any responsibility. Infringements include but are not limited to:

1.1 Publishing others' original articles without permission to infringe on others’ intellectual property rights.

1.2 Publishing others' identity card numbers, photos, or other private information without permission to infringe on the legitimate rights of others such as portrait rights and privacy rights.

1.3 Defaming others with fabricated or distorted facts, insulting or libeling, or using other ways to make damages to others’ reputation.

1.4 Publishing business secrets without permission to infringe on companies' legitimate rights.

2. When publishing information or setting accounts, users should not use any politically suggestive or misleading information, and should not use information expressly or implicitly related to Gate.io or other exchanges, including but not limited to, using an exchange’s logo as an avatar or using "customer support" or relevant words as username. Infringements include but are not limited to:

2.1 Using any username, nickname, or avatar, or making any remark or post that is related to politics, national leaders, or statesmen.

2.2 Using Gate.io or any other exchange's logo or name as username or avatar to confuse, mislead, or scam users or get trust from users; or libel or in any other ways defaming the related business entity.

2.3 Impersonating another person by using his/her image or illegally using or stealing another person’s image without permission.

3. Users are prohibited from publishing false, unconfirmed information that is not officially permitted or deemed as unsuitable to be disclosed or those that may potentially infringe the privacy of others.

4. Users are prohibited from publishing offensive, aggressive or insulting remarks or images or attacking others, verbally or physically, on religion or nationality.

5. The displaying or publicity of information at Gate.io Posts section published by users does not mean that Gate.io agrees to the viewpoint or guarantees the authenticity or suitability of such information. Any such information should not be regarded as any trading or service basis or investment advice. Gate.io does not take any responsibility for any damages or consequences caused by incorrectness, omission or inaccuracy of any information posted. The information at the Posts section is for communication and interaction between users only.

6. he Posts section, all users and live streamers are prohibited from providing financial services on behalf of others. Users are prohibited from providing consulting services (including providing investment suggestions and trading services on behalf of others) through social media groups or on a one-on-one basis, nor they are allowed to promote other products or services. The behaviors mentioned above are personal and are independent of the platform. It is also forbidden to create multiple accounts with malicious intentions, including enticing old users into registering new Gate.io accounts once again in order to receive incentives. Users are strongly advised to have a clear understanding of potential risks and trade with caution to avoid scams and asset losses.

7. Gate.io shall not be liable for any damages or consequences caused by any interruption, malfunction or temporary closure of service of Posts section due to hacking, computer virus, political factors or force majeure.

8. Any user should not publish any illegal or prohibited content, including but not limited to porn (or near porn), violence, gambling, information that may harm website security, information related to prohibited items, fraudulent advertisement, advertisement of illegal items, misleading or false content, or content inducing others to follow or share. Gate.io may block or terminate the use of account functionalities if any violation of the above rules is found. Penalty is based on the severity and frequency of the violation. Definitions: 8.1 Porn or porn-related content

8.1.1 Publicize salacious or erotic content, or send pornographic information in text, video, comics or in other forms.

8.1.2. Publicize porn-related or sexually suggestive content to attract attention from others.

8.2. Violence

8.2.1. Publicize images or videos about killing, disabling, abusing person or animal or wounding with shooting, beating, or torturing.

8.2.2. Images related to drug-taking or self-injury.

8.2.3 Illegal sales of replica guns, bow and arrows, controlled knives, air guns or any other lethal weapon; or content that describes weapons for the purpose of encouraging illegal use or reckless use of weapons.

8.3. Gambling content is information related to organized and crowd gambling, sales of gambling equipment, gambling techniques or tricks or cheats.

8.4. Harmful information to website security includes but not limited to phishing websites that may induce users to get illegal gain, virus, malware, code segment or program that may harm the normal and orderly operation of the website.

8.5.Advertising content is information for the purpose of getting money by deception (example: project of 5000% return rate or award-wining information ), or exaggerating return to mislead and induce users to participate in risky projects (example: shit coin)

8.6 False information includes fabricating, forwarding, disseminating fake facts, or hiding the truth, including but not limited to:

8.6.1 False information involving opposing fundamental principles established by the Constituion and the socialist system, endangering national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity, betraying state secrets, endangering national security or damaging national honor and interests.

8.6.2 False information that incites hatred, discrimination and misunderstanding among countries, regions, nationalities and religions and damages good customs.

8.6.3 False information that disturbs social order and causes or may cause public panic.

8.7 Other content involving in violation of laws and regulations or relevant rules In case of any of the above-mentioned acts, the platform has the right to make punitive treatment according to the circumstances of violation.

9. Should the information published in the Posts section in any jurisdiction for any person's use or distribution to any person violate the laws or regulations of that jurisdiction or result in the website or its third-party agent being subject to any regulatory requirements in that jurisdiction, the content should not be used or distributed to any person in that jurisdiction. Users shall guarantee that they will not be restricted or prohibited from using or distributing the content.

10. The Posts section can not identify the intellectual property rights of the uploaded pictures or texts. If the published content infringes the intellectual property rights of any third-party media or individuals, please send us a letter and provide the ownership certificate. If there is any infringement after investigation, we will delete the content within three days after receiving the letter.

11. If any remark or content posted by any user violates any of the above rules, the remark or content will be deleted. If the user republishes the deleted remark or content, he/she will be blocked from using the functionality for 3 days to 3 months.

12. Gate.io reserves the final interpretation rights to the Instruction.

How to view Posts Instructions on the web?

1. Log in to your Gate.io account on the web. Hover your cursor over "News" in the upper navigation bar and click "Posts".

2. Click "Moments Posting Rules" to learn more.

2.Gate.io Posts Instructions

Gate.io Posts rules:

1.KYC (Identity verification) must be completed before posting texts.
2.KYC (Identity verification) must be completed before posting emojis, pictures or videos. And your VIP≥ 1.
3.Each account can make a post every five minutes.
4.Newly registered users cannot make posts within 24 hours. V0 users can make posts five times a day and reply/comment 10 times a day; There are no restrictions on VIP1 and above users.

Step-by-step instructions

1. Log in to your Gate.io account. Hover your cursor over "News" on the navigation bar and click "Posts".

2. Here is a detailed explanation of what you can expect on this page:

① [Avatar] [Nickname] [Vip Level]
② [Search] Search content of a post or a user nickname.
③ From left to right:
[Public Posts]: A gathering of real-time, public posts published by all users.
[Hot]: Hot posts with many likes and comments [Following]: Posts made by users you have subscribed to.
[My Home]: Your posts homepage, including your subion, the creation center and posts history.
④ Moments posting rules
⑤ From left to right:
[Emoji]: Add emojis to your post.
[Picture] Upload local pictures (supports a maximum of 9 pictures)
[Voting]: Initiate a vote.

[Topics]: Add a hashtag for a hot topic.

[All People] Choose who can view: All People or Exclusive Subion.
⑥ [Following/Unfollow] To follow or unfollow the user of this post.
⑦ From left to right:
[Like] This feature enables you to tip the poster with a certain amount of tokens. You can track your like records at the bottom-left corner.
[Share] To forward this post to others.
[Like] Click this to show that you like this post.
[Comment] To publish your comment on this post.

3.How to subscribe:

Exclusive Subscription setting rules:

1.KYC (Identity verification) must be completed before setting the "exclusive subscription".
2.Your VIP level must be level 3 or above.
3.Your subscribers would be entitled to view any exclusive posts and live streams you make.
4.The income from the subscription will be settled every 30 days and credited to your account after settlement.

3.1 How to set Exclusive Subscription in Posts on Web.

1. Log in to your Gate.io account. Hover your cursor over "News" on the navigation bar and click "Posts".

2.Click "My Home".

3.On the "My Home" page, you can view the number of your followers in [Followers] and the number of users you have followed in [Following].

4.Click "My creation center" to enter the "Exclusive Subscription" page.

①Customize your subscription plan and confirm.
1)Users get to decide the subscription fee as they prefer, but it should not be less than 0.1 GT.
2)Choose a discount rate for auto-renew. Discount rates available: 0%, 10%, 20%... 90%. *Users who check auto-renew can continuously enjoy the set discount and can choose to stop auto-renewing when a term ends.
3)A price uplift: auto-renew at the same previous price.
4)A price decrease: auto-renew at the new lower price when a new term begins.
② [Subscriptions]: Click to view details of all users who have subscribed to you.
[Income records]: Click to view your income records from the subscription feature.

Steps to make posts for "Exclusive Subscription":
Click "All People" - "Exclusive Subscription" to make your posts exclusive to your subscribers.

Note: If you want to make your live stream accessible to subscribers only, you should only contact this TG:@GateLive_Learn for help.

3.2 How to Subscribe/Unsubscribe From His/Her Posts/Live Stream on web.

How to subscribe to his/her posts/live stream
1.Log into your Gate.io account. Hover your cursor over "News" on the navigation bar and click "Posts".

2.Enter anything you want to search in the search box and click "Search".

Now we are going to give a step-by-step instruction on searching a user (taking the user "酒儿么么哒" as an example):

①You can either enter the full username or part of it.
②Click “Users" to view a list of users whose username includes the word(s) you have entered in the search box.
③Select the user you want to follow.

3.Click "Subion" on her Posts page.

4.The "Billed Subion" window will pop up, displaying the following information:

① Choose a period of time for your membership.
② Tick to enable "Auto Renew"

5.Check all the information and read the notice carefully before clicking "Subscribe Now" and enter the fund password.

How to unsubscribe from his/her posts/live stream
1.Log into your Gate.io account. Hover your cursor over "News" on the navigation bar and click "Posts".

2.Click "My Home".

3.Click "My Subscription".

4.Select the account you want to unsubscribe under the "Current Subion" tab and click "Cancel subscription".

5.Click "OK" in the pop-up window to unsubscribe from the account.

6.Once successfully unsubscribed, you can view your subscribe history under the "Expired" tab. You can also renew the subscribe here.

Subscribe Notice:
1.The service is a billed subscription for a fixed term. You can use all the services in the subscription within a valid period of time once successfully subscribed.

2.You become an exclusive member of this user through the paid subscription and you will automatically follow the user. All content is provided by the user and the user has the right to an explanation for the service.

3.Auto-renewal rules:
① Auto-renew billing: When the existing subscribe term expires, subscribe payment for the next term will be automatically deducted from your spot account and the service will extend to the next term. If payment fails due to inadequate balance or other errors, the subscription will stop and the related privileges will be removed automatically.
② Stop Auto-renew: If you want to stop auto-renew, you need to manually turn off the auto-renew feature in "My subion" before the current subion term expires;
③ Price change: In case of a subion price increase of the account you have subscribed to, the auto-renew price will be the same as the previous price. In case of a price decrease, the auto-renew price will be subject to the latest lower price.
4.All content is published by the user you subscribed to and gate.io does not give any guarantee. If you find any illegal information, please report to Gate.io immediately.

5.If you have any questions during the subion, please contact Gate.io customer support for help.

6.If unsubscribe, you will get a refund based on the remaining number of days of your subion period (the service period of less than one day will be calculated as a full day).

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