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Thông báo How to Create an NFT
How to Create an NFT
2021-09-23 08:46:44 UTC 105031 Số lượt đọc

Step 1: Click on "NFT MagicBox" to enter the "NFT MagicBox" page, where you can click either "Create NFTs" on the page directly, or "My Assets" - "Create NFTs" in the upper-right corner of the page.

You will see a pop-up window indicating no collections available right now. Click the "Click to create collection" button to create one.

You will need to fill in the relevant fields and click "Confirm & Create". img

①Enter the collection name, select a collection category, and describe your collection (optional).

③Upload a logo, cover (optional), and showcase banner (optional) of your collection.

After finishing the above steps, click "Create Works" in the upper-right corner to start your creation process. img

Step 2: Fill in the information and upload the picture as required on the "Create Works" page. Confirm the information and click on "Next" to start the "Mint Works" process.

img img

Step 3: Click on "Mint" and enter your fund password.


Step 4: Once you have successfully submitted your “Mint" request, you can see specific information by clicking on "View Details".


Risk Warning

1.Gate.io only provides the minting, transaction, and storage of NFTs themselves, with no rights to interfere with related matters of their copyright, quality, physical item, implicit value, etc. Users need to make their own judgments on whether to trade or not. 2.NFT transaction has a low-frequency demand. The NFTs being minted or displayed for sale will not necessarily be sold in a short time. They may undergo a price discovery process. Completed NFT transactions cannot be revoked. So be prudent with your pricing. 3.NFTs are a certain type of blockchain virtual assets, which involve safe custody of private keys, wallets, and other assets. Due to the scarcity of NFTs, it may cause immeasurable losses if they got lost. So please keep them properly. 4.Gate.io currently only supports selected external mainstream wallets, and the recipient address used is not the spot wallet address. Please carefully check addresses and the supported contract when inputting NFT assets. In case they cannot be retrieved. 5.NFT MagicBox supports uploading content first and minting later. Once the minting is done, the content cannot be changed. 6.NFT MagicBox supports listing multiple copies for one work. Investors need to confirm the quantity before trading to avoid significant deviations between valuated prices and market prices. 7.Gate.io does not guarantee that works being displayed or sold in NFT MagicBox have no duplicates on other platforms or public blockchains now or in future. Users need to make verifications and judgments themselves before trading.

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