
Blockchain is the underlying technology for almost all cryptocurrencies. It is a distributed ledger jointly maintained by decentralized nodes around the world. Blockchain is hailed as "the trust machine", enabling trustless peer-to-peer payments. Blockchain will become the infrastructure for the next generation of the Internet - Web 3.

文章 (1410)

What is multisig?

What is multisig?

This article dives into a complex topic in a concise and informative way, focusing on the practical benefits and applications.
Jan 05, 2024
Radiant Capital: Fragmented Liquidity Consolidation for Cross-chain Lending & Borrowing

Radiant Capital: Fragmented Liquidity Consolidation for Cross-chain Lending & Borrowing

This article constructs a valuation model for RDNT, utilizing DCF, P/TVL, P/S, and P/E valuation methods, and predicts the fair value of RDNT by the end of 2023.
Jan 05, 2024
DIY multisig vs. collaborative custody multisig

DIY multisig vs. collaborative custody multisig

The article offers insights into multisig security and presents it in a balanced, informative way. You will gain a good understanding of both DIY and collaborative custody options, their pros and cons, and how to choose the right one for their needs.
Jan 05, 2024
The Great Wealth Transfer & its Impact on Crypto

The Great Wealth Transfer & its Impact on Crypto

This article conducts an in-depth analysis of the wealth transfer situation in the United States, delving into the preferences of the younger generation for cryptocurrency and examining the profound impact this trend may have on the market.
Jan 05, 2024
 What is Scroll?

What is Scroll?

On October 17th, Scroll Mainnet was officially launched, with over 100,000 transactions in the first week. With the launch of Scroll Mainnet and official incentives, more and more ecosystems are being built on the Scroll network, bringing a new wave of Layer2 excitement to the market.
Jan 05, 2024
ROWS #5: exploring the web3 identity stack

ROWS #5: exploring the web3 identity stack

This article verifies Web3 identities through qualifications, reputation certification, points, etc., and provides a detailed explanation for each aspect of their various uses in Web3 social interactions.
Jan 05, 2024
Best Social Media Platforms Empowering Users Through Web3

Best Social Media Platforms Empowering Users Through Web3

The article provides a brief introduction to social media on the Web3.
Jan 05, 2024
The Next Generation of dApps: Native cross-chain applications

The Next Generation of dApps: Native cross-chain applications

The article explains that native cross-chain applications are the future of web3 dApps.
Jan 05, 2024
Our Across Thesis

Our Across Thesis

This article analyzes the tremendous potential for the development of the Layer 2 (L2) market and the accompanying bridging needs among various L2 solutions. It delves into the current status, potential, and risks of the cross-chain protocol Across Protocol in this market.
Jan 05, 2024
My techno-optimism

My techno-optimism

This article explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and blockchain, introducing the concept of "d/acc" (decentralized acceleration). With different philosophical backgrounds, Vitalik advocates for a balanced and thoughtful approach, urging developers to prioritize choices and intentions while constructing technology.
Jan 04, 2024
The Prospect of A Promising Track: Decentralized Computing Power Market (Part 1)

The Prospect of A Promising Track: Decentralized Computing Power Market (Part 1)

This article explores the potential and challenges of the decentralized computing power market, highlighting the difficulties it faces and introducing two typical projects - Gensyn and Together.AI.
Jan 04, 2024
What are zero-knowledge proofs?

What are zero-knowledge proofs?

This article provides a detailed proof of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP).
Jan 04, 2024
What is Hash Rate in Crypto?

What is Hash Rate in Crypto?

Explore the significance of hash rate in crypto: Understand its impact on network security, mining efficiency, and future trends in cryptocurrency mining.
Jan 04, 2024
Off-Chain Compute Is All You Need

Off-Chain Compute Is All You Need

This article introduces the concepts of co-processors and Rollup, as well as the modular separation of future blockchain computation and verification.
Jan 04, 2024
Reshaping the Boundaries of Computing: The Current Situation and Prospects of Decentralized Computing Power

Reshaping the Boundaries of Computing: The Current Situation and Prospects of Decentralized Computing Power

With the development of AI and other fields, many industries will achieve huge changes in the underlying logic, computing power will rise to a more important position, and various aspects related to it will also cause extensive exploration in the industry. Decentralized computing power networks have their Its own advantages can reduce the risk of centralization and can also serve as a complement to centralized computing power.
Jan 04, 2024