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Thông báo Letter from the CEO - Zero-Fee Trading on Gate.io
Letter from the CEO - Zero-Fee Trading on Gate.io
2022-09-17 05:09:32 UTC 45424 Số lượt đọc

Over the last few months, the crypto industry has experienced a surge in volatility as the latest bull run came to an end and the so-called 'crypto winter' set in. We remain bullish on the future of crypto, web3 and the metaverse and in order to alleviate some of the stress caused by current market conditions, Gate.io is introducing zero-fee trading on our platform for the foreseeable future.

From 10am UTC today (September 16, 2022) users will be able to trade hundreds of cryptocurrencies on Gate.io with zero fees. This includes the BTC/USDT trading pair as well as all /USD, /BTC and /ETH quote currency trading pairs. From Tuesday at 10am UTC (September 20th, 2022) users will also be able to trade all spot ETF, USD-M and BTC-M perpetual futures, USDT-M and BTC-M delivery futures with zero trading fees. This will continue indefinitely until further notice.

Over the last 9 years, millions of users across the world have chosen Gate.io as their platform of choice to invest in crypto and we felt the need to give back to our community. We believe in the future of the crypto industry, and by cutting trading fees, we hope to alleviate some of the pressure caused by the current market volatility and maximize the value obtained by investing on our platform.

We have always been a user-first company and we want our users to know that we care. Over the last few months we've obtained licenses to operate in Dubai, Hong Kong, Malta and Lithuania, and set up operations in several key markets including Türkiye, Brazil and Vietnam in order to offer our users a more personal, localized experience. These are just a few examples of how we are working to ensure Gate.io continues to be your gateway to crypto...

For more information, view the announcement here.
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