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Thông báo Gate Learn Prize Quiz, Answer and Earn $1,000
Gate Learn Prize Quiz, Answer and Earn $1,000
2022-09-09 10:12:39 UTC 74564 Số lượt đọc
Gate Learn has been committed to continuously improve and optimize for the best since it went live. To step forward into 2.0 with all our users, another 7-day Learn-to-Earn activity is launched. Read Gate Learn articles of specific topics, answer the questions, and have the chance to win $1,000 in tokens! Do not miss it and join now!

Quiz Time

Sep 9th 10:00 - Sep 16th 10:00 UTC (7 days in total)

Quiz Rules

For this quiz, read the five articles in Gate Learn specific topic "Understanding Crypto Trading from Shallow to Deep" and answer the questions in the following form. The quiz contains 20 questions, and 5 points can be earned for each question. The top 100 users who finish the quickest and successfully obtain more than 80 points can equally share $1,000 in tokens. First come, first served!

1.Only one entry per person will be permitted (KYC must be completed). The Sub-Accounts and Master Account will be treated as the same account in the activity.
2.Gate.io will disqualify participants from the event once they are found cheating in the activity to preserve the interests of all participants and maintain fairness.
3.The rewards will be distributed to the eligible winners' wallet account within 14 working days after the end of the activity, in the form of tokens.
4.Risk Warning: Please be sure to note that the cryptocurrency market is volatile and losses may occur in different situations, so you are strongly recommended to understand all the related information and be vigilant in your investment actions.

Gate.io reserves all rights to the final interpretation of the activity.

Gate.io Team
Sep 9

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