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Thông báo Gate.io Announcement on Release of Gate Sans (First Mainstream Exchange)
Gate.io Announcement on Release of Gate Sans (First Mainstream Exchange)
2022-07-13 09:58:44 UTC 21701 Số lượt đọc
Founded in 2013, Gate.io has witnessed significant changes over the past nine years. By the beginning of 2022, Gate.io reached over 10 million registered users worldwide, with a daily trading volume of over $10 billion and an asset selection of over 1,400 cryptocurrencies. Gate.io has always actively embraced change internally and externally, as continuous evolution and innovation promote constant improvement and growth.

To further enhance the brand image and user experience, Gate.io has officially launched its innovative brand font Gate Sans. Making Gate.io the first mainstream cryptocurrency exchange to create an exclusive brand font.

Text is one of the most concentrated information carriers, and the right font can make all the difference in user experience. Inspired by the HarmonyOS font, Gate Sans features a simple and competent style, born with the design concept of optimizing numerics and enhancing the user trading experience.

Furthermore, the font supports multiple languages and five major writing systems, including Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, and Arabic, achieving global coverage for millions of crypto users worldwide.

Presenting a complete brand image
Based on Gate.io's brand logo, Gate Sans uses modern and simple strokes with a squared shape and clear structure to demonstrate Gate.io's mainstream, safe and trustworthy brand ethos and spirit. During the design process, the Gate.io design team combined industry characteristics and brand values to improve every detail. Finally, after numerous optimizations and revisions, the complete form of Gate Sans has come to life.

Realizing the visual unity of the brand
Gate Sans will be applied to the following aspects: for brand identity, which can reflect a professional, intuitive and unified brand tone, thus enhancing trust and shortening the distance with users; for product pages, which contain features such as high recognition and versatility, making every Gate.io user enjoy a smooth and unique user experience; widespread platform usage, will enhance the brand texture, unify the brand vision, and highlight the uniqueness and aesthetic perspective of Gate Sans.

Strengthen brand awareness
Gate Sans was created primarily to meet Gate.io's needs for distinguished fonts in business, copyright and branding. Branding is a long-term and multi-faceted process, and a standard creative font can help users better recognize the Gate.io brand through its evolutions. In June 2022, Gate.io celebrated its ninth anniversary with a new brand identity. This new release is another upgrade and advancement of the ninth-anniversary brand image.

Every innovative qualitative change accumulates from small quantitative changes. Gate.io will always remain committed to operating with "safety first, customer first," and stay dedicated to enhancing brand creativity and influence and providing an industry-leading experience to millions of users worldwide. We appreciate all the support and trust from everyone and look forward to bringing more innovations to Gate.io.

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Gate.io Team
July 13
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