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Thông báo Early Bird Invitation - Join Gate.io Copy Trading
Early Bird Invitation - Join Gate.io Copy Trading
2022-06-14 09:28:26 UTC 280024 Số lượt đọc
Great news! Copy trading is getting upgraded! You can now register for the early bird program, and enjoy an exclusive 6% Reward. More important benefits await you at registration!
Users who register and complete the trading after the product is updated can enjoy an exclusive $500 entry bonus. Limited to the first 50 users who have completed the trading!

Date: June, 15th 11:00 (UTC) - June, 24th 11:00 (UTC)

What Is Copy Trading?

In Copy trading, a copy user can completely copy a trader's trading operations, and the trader then earns a portion (2-30%) of the return.

Click to register

Click to register

Estimated data
1.The capital absorption capacity of Gate.io is estimated to be $486w+ per month on average.
2.The average amount of money absorbed by Copy trading traders is $6300+
3.The average investment amount of Copy trading traders is $6k+
4.The average copying time for a copy user is 90d+
5.The average daily dividend of Copy trading traders is $200+

Function Highlights

1. Experience a fresh outlook
2. Enjoy high income from being copied
3. Clearer hierarchical division
4. Perfect upgrade system
5. Multiple algorithms in calculating ranking

Nine Benefits for Joining The Early-bird Program
1. Return for being copied– "up to 15% dividend.
2. Referral Commissions - High-commissions in Gate.io, up to 40%.
3. Fee Reduction – Lower trading fees for quality traders
4. Increase in followers – to maximize your popularity and attract a large number of targeting copy users.
5. Millions of exposures - to give you publicity and exposure through official website announcements, Gate.io Posts, Telegram, Twitter and other Copy trading media platforms.
6. Service upgrades – holiday gifts, personal designed posters, etc
7. Allowance for being copied - once a trader is copied by a first-time copy user, he will be rewarded additional allowance of $5. Each can get up to $10. Limited to the first 100 registed users.
8. Exclusive activities - the exclusive activities fortraders will gradually start. Bumper bonuses are waiting for you!
9. Institutional Affiliation - excellent traders have the opportunity to participate in the investment plans of Gate.io cooperative institutions.

Join Copy Trading-official telegram group, enjoy more benefits!
Copy Trading Group: https://t.me/Gateio_Copy_Trading
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