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Thông báo Gate.io Announcement on the Distribution of First Rewards for the Winning Bidders in the DOT Slot Auction Projects of Astar, Moonbeam, and Acala
Gate.io Announcement on the Distribution of First Rewards for the Winning Bidders in the DOT Slot Auction Projects of Astar, Moonbeam, and Acala
2022-01-26 08:33:57 UTC 55201 Số lượt đọc
Gate.io has distributed the first KMA rewards for the Winning Bidders in the DOT Slot Auction Projects of Astar, Moonbeam, and Acala. Users who have successfully participated in the DOT Slot: Lock-Up DOT & Earn ASTR, DOT Slot: Lock-Up DOT & Earn GLMR, and DOT Slot: Lock-Up DOT & Earn ACA can check the reward distribution details at “My Wallets”– section “My Billing Details”.

Gate.io Astar Rewards for Winning Bidders:
1. Reward currency: ASTR
2. On-chain lock-up/(unlock) date: 2021-12-17 (+672 days)
3. Reward releasing rules: all rewards will be released online spontaneously within 96 weeks as of the on-chain lock-up date. The interest will be distributed to users once every 14 days after the first sum of interest distribution. So far, 10% of the interest has been released to users.

Gate.io Moonbeam Rewards for Winning Bidders:
1. Reward currency: GLMR
2. On-chain lock-up/(unlock) date: 2021-12-17 (+672 days)
3. Reward releasing rules: all rewards will be released online spontaneously within 96 weeks as of the on-chain lock-up date. The interest will be distributed to users once every 14 days after the first sum of interest distribution. So far, 31.80% of the interest has been released to users.

Gate.io Acala Rewards for Winning Bidders:
1. Reward currency: ACA
2. On-chain lock-up/(unlock) date: 2021-12-17 (+672 days)
3. Reward releasing rules: all rewards will be released online spontaneously within 96 weeks as of the on-chain lock-up date. The interest will be distributed to users once every 14 days after the first sum of interest distribution. So far, 20% of the interest has been released to users.

Gate.io reserves the right to the final interpretation of the activity. If you have any questions, please reach out to our online chat support.

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January 26
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