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Thông báo Announcement on Gate Ventures will engage investment in WOO Network
Announcement on Gate Ventures will engage investment in WOO Network
2021-11-15 13:37:43 UTC 30942 Số lượt đọc

Ever since the establishment of Gate Ventures, it has put its attention on the technology of blockchain. Hereby, we are proud to announce that Gate Ventures is investing in WOO Network. This is a trading platform that provides deep liquidity between the CeFi and DeFi worlds. As a key investor, Gate Ventures participated in WOO Network Series A financing worth $30 million.

Technology and financial infrastructure have always been the investment focus of Gate Ventures. When we are talking about financial infrastructure, liquidity is definitely one of the most important keywords. The deep liquidity and zero-fee transactions provided by WOO Network to its customers are its unique features that can optimize the cost of capital for professional and institutional investors; WOO Network’s team demonstrated their clear vision for business growth and strong connectivity between CeFi and DeFi's liquidity capabilities. In addition to its investment in Woo Network, Gate Ventures will also support Woo Network's vision and construction for the future, and work together to promote the development of the underlying construction.

WOO Network

WOO Network is a fast-growing financial technology start-up company and of a deep liquidity network. Its mission is to give individuals the right to freely trade, invest, and borrow. The goal of WOO Network is to connect traders, exchanges, institutions, and DeFi platforms together to obtain first-class liquidity and excellent transaction execution at a lower or zero cost. The network provides support for WOO X, which is a professional trading platform with fully customized modules, low-to-zero-fee transactions, and deep liquidity from the network.

Gate Ventures

Gate Ventures is a venture capital fund which is dedicated to reshaping the world in the digital times, focusing on early investments in decentralized infrastructure, ecosystems, and applications that will reshape the new digital world. In addition to the support of the existing Gate.io ecosystem, Gate Ventures also provides financing, operating resources, and industry expertise services for venture companies to ensure that companies can better promote innovation. In addition the company provides grants to build the future web3.0 applications and an open financial system.

For more detailed information about Gate Ventures or to submit an application, please visit ventures.gate.io

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Gate.io Team
Nov 15th, 2021

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