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Thông báo Gate.io | Join the KSM Slot Auction with One-Click on Gate.io(Bifrost and Khala Take the Lead)
Gate.io | Join the KSM Slot Auction with One-Click on Gate.io(Bifrost and Khala Take the Lead)
2021-07-08 02:17:58 UTC 37157 Số lượt đọc
The 4th round of Kusama (KSM) Slot Auction has started. According to data provided by Polkadot, as of 1:50 UTC on July 8th , Bifrost is in the lead with 59,660 KSM pledged and the Gate.io Bifrost lock-up finance has locked in 33.656504 KSM. Additionally, Khala is in second with 59,508 KSM pledged.

All users are welcome to participate in the following KSM Slot Auction.

Lock-in KSM to earn K-PHA: https://www.gate.io/hodl/595
Lock-in KSM to earn KPN: https://www.gate.io/hodl/606
Lock-in KSM to earn PKS: https://www.gate.io/hodl/607
Lock-in KSM to earn KAZE: https://www.gate.io/hodl/608
Lock-in KSM to earn CRU&CSM: https://www.gate.io/hodl/609
Lock-in KSM to earn BNC: https://www.gate.io/hodl/597
Lock-in KSM to earn KSX: https://www.gate.io/hodl/599
Lock-in KSM to earn CRING: https://www.gate.io/hodl/600
*Interest rates are based on on-chain earnings

How to Participate:
1.Users can deposit or purchase KSM to enter a lock-in. By entering a lock-in, a user is directly boosting and supporting the corresponding bidding project. The following table includes this round of booster projects and their chain prize pool.

2.The slot auctions will be completed on the chain, therefore please pay attention to the auction results. If the auction for the slot is unsuccessful, the invested KSM will be returned automatically without interest.

3. After a successful auction, Gate.io will distribute interests to the user based on the actual on-chain revenue. If the chain is unlocked in advance, Gate.io will also unlock the KSM to the participating users accordingly.

Participation Rules:
1. Locked coins: KSM
2. Interest tokens: BNC, KPN, CRING, PKS, KAZE, KSX, K-PHA, CRU and CSM
3. Handling fee: 0
4. Annualized interest rate is based on on-chain earnings
5. Start date: Please refer to specific token trading rules
6. Once the auction ends: Gate.io will issue interest for users based on the actual on-chain earnings.
7. If the chain is unlocked in advance, Gate.io will also unlock the KSM to the participating users accordingly.
8. If a particular slot auction is unsuccessful, the invested KSM will be automatically returned.

1. Please be aware that the subsequent slots will be updated on Gate.io Official Website.
2. Gate.io only acts as an intermediary to provide users with the service of participating in auctions and does not bear any financial losses caused by project parties or on-chain security.

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Gate.io Team

Jun 21st, 2021

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