What is Celer Network (CELR)? All You Need to Know About CELR

BeginnerJun 02, 2023
Learn about Celer Network (CELR), a Layer-2 scaling solution that allows for off-chain transactions. Explore its features, token, and investment potential.
What is Celer Network (CELR)? All You Need to Know About CELR

What is Celer Network?

Celer Network is a layer-2 scaling platform for blockchain technology that allows fast and cheap transactions, as well as the execution of off-chain smart contracts. The platform aims to solve some of the most pressing issues faced by blockchain, such as scalability, transaction speed, and cost through state channel technology, which allows the creation of payment channels between two parties that operate off-chain and only broadcast the final transaction to the blockchain.

Its significance in the cryptocurrency space is that it addresses certain blockchain limitations, making it more accessible and usable for a wider range of applications. As blockchain technology continues to gain traction, solutions like this one are proving to be more and more relevant.

History of Celer Network (CELR)

Since its founding in 2018, Celer Network has achieved several notable milestones. The company raised $30 million in its initial coin offering (ICO) in March 2019, and launched its alpha testnet in May of the same year. The beta version of the Celer Network mainnet was launched in March 2020, and it has since been integrated with major blockchain platforms, such as Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

In July 2020, Celer Network launched a revolutionary new feature called Layer-2.5, which allows for the scaling of decentralized applications (dApps) on top of Layer-2 networks. This technology enables developers to create more complex dApps, such as gaming and prediction markets, while maintaining the speed, security, and cost benefits of the Layer-2 infrastructure.

In addition to these achievements, Celer Network has also been recognized by industry experts for its contributions to the blockchain ecosystem. In September 2020, the company was named a finalist in the DeFi category of the TechCrunch Disrupt Startup Battlefield competition. Celer Network was also selected to participate in the prestigious Ethereum Foundation’s Grant Program in November 2020, further solidifying the company’s reputation as a leader in the blockchain sphere.

Overall, the history of Celer Network demonstrates the company’s commitment to developing innovative solutions that address the challenges of blockchain technology. Through its groundbreaking research, development, and community engagement, Celer Network has established itself as a major player in the industry, with a very promising future ahead.

How does Celer Network work? Private Off-chain Channels, Cross-chain Interoperability

Celer Network uses a Layer-2 scaling solution that allows for off-chain transactions. This means that transactions are processed off-chain, instead of being broadcasted and processed on the main blockchain, which significantly reduces fees and increases transaction speed. The network also uses an off-chain scaling architecture that includes two main components: cRoute and cOS. cRoute is responsible for routing payments through the network, while cOS provides a set of building blocks that developers can use to build their own scalable applications.

Celer Network’s combination of Layer-2 scaling, state channel technology, virtual machine, cross-chain interoperability, and advanced security measures make it a powerful and flexible platform for building and running decentralized applications. Its innovative approach to scaling and transaction processing has the potential to revolutionize the way that blockchain networks operate, and its commitment to security and privacy make it a compelling choice for developers and users alike.

Private off-chain channels

Celer Network uses state channel technology, which allows for the creation of private off-chain channels between two parties that can be used to conduct multiple transactions, without having to broadcast them to the main blockchain, an approach that allows for instant transactions and significantly reduces costs.

In addition to its Layer-2 scaling solution and state channel technology, Celer Network utilizes a number of other features to ensure its efficient functioning, such as the use of a virtual machine that allows for the execution of smart contracts off-chain. This means that developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) on the network that are able to run more efficiently and cost-effectively than on other platforms.

Cross-chain interoperability

Celer Network supports cross-chain interoperability, allowing it to communicate and have transactions with other blockchain networks, creating a more connected and integrated ecosystem. They are able to achieve this through the use of cross-chain bridges, which enable the transfer of assets and data between different blockchains.


One key advantage for users of the Celer Network is that it incorporates a number of security measures to ensure the safety of its users’ funds and data, including the use of secure multi-party computation (MPC) and threshold signature technology, which provide advanced cryptographic security to protect users’ assets and ensure the integrity of transactions.

Inter-chain Message

Inter-chain Message is a vital feature of the Celer Network that allows communication and interaction between different blockchain networks. It enables the transfer of messages between various chains, that are then processed and verified by the recipient chain. With the increasing number of blockchain networks, the ability to transfer value and information between them is becoming increasingly important, and Inter-chain Message is one of the key solutions to this challenge.

PoS and Optimistic-rollup-like Security Models

Source: Celer Network

PoS, or Proof of Stake, is a consensus mechanism used in the Celer Network to validate transactions and maintain the security of the network. In a PoS system, validators are chosen to create and validate new blocks based on the amount of cryptocurrency they hold or stake. The more cryptocurrency a validator holds, the higher their chances of being selected to approve transactions and earn rewards.

Optimistic-rollup-like Security Models are another important aspect of the Celer Network’s security measures. It is a Layer-2 scaling solution that aggregates multiple transactions into a single transaction before submitting them to the main blockchain. This approach significantly reduces transaction fees and speeds up transaction processing.

Where there is a risk of fraud or errors when aggregating multiple transactions, optimistic-rollup-like Security Models mitigate them by implementing a mechanism that ensures that the aggregated transaction is valid and free of any fraud or errors. This is designed to provide the same level of security as the main blockchain, while also improving transaction speed and reducing costs.

Celer Network’s Main Features: State Guardian Network, Layer2.Finance, CBridge

State Guardian Network

State Guardian Network is a key feature of the Celer Network, designed to be highly scalable and decentralized, enhancing its security and reliability. It is a community-driven network of nodes that acts as a trusted third party for state updates in the network, providing an additional layer of security to the Celer Network by verifying the validity of state updates before they are committed to the main blockchain. This verification process helps prevent any fraudulent or malicious activity and ensures that the Celer Network remains secure and reliable.

Each node in the network is responsible for monitoring a specific set of states and their updates. In order to become a node in the State Guardian Network, a user must stake a certain amount of CELR tokens, which provides an incentive for nodes to act in the best interests of the network. There is also a reputation system in place that rewards nodes for good behavior and penalizes nodes for suspicious activity


Source: Layer2.Finance

Layer2.Finance is a DeFi platform built on top of Celer Network’s Layer-2 scaling solution, designed to provide users with fast and low-cost transactions, as well as access to a number of financial services such as lending, borrowing, and trading.

One of the key features of Layer2.Finance is its use of Celer Network’s state channel technology. This allows for instant transactions and eliminates the need for users to wait for confirmations from the main blockchain. Additionally, it uses cBridge, its own technology which enables cross-chain asset transfer between Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

As a DeFi platform, their governance model allows users to have a say in the direction of the platform. Users who hold the platform’s governance token, L2, are able to vote on proposals and decisions related to its development and management, which gives them more ownership and control over the platform which helps to foster a strong and engaged community.


Source: Celer Network

CBridge is a key feature of Celer Network that enables cross-chain asset transfer, making it possible to use these assets across multiple blockchains. With CBridge, users can make transfers of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, and others across multiple blockchains without the need for a centralized exchange.

One of the main advantages of CBridge is that it operates as a non-custodial bridge, meaning that users retain full control of their assets throughout the transfer process. Because it is built on top of Celer Network’s Layer-2 scaling solution it enables fast and cheap cross-chain transactions.

What is the CELR Token?

The CELR token is the native cryptocurrency of the Celer Network platform. It is an ERC-20 token that is used to facilitate transactions and incentivize network participants to perform certain actions, such as validating transactions or contributing to the network’s liquidity pools.

One of the primary use cases of the CELR token is to pay transaction fees on the Celer Network platform. Whenever a transaction is conducted, a small amount of CELR is required to pay for the processing fees, which are, then, used to incentivize validators to process transactions and secure the network.

Another important use case for the CELR token is as a means of staking and governance. Users can stake their CELR to help secure the network and participate in the platform’s consensus process, when token holders are able to vote on important decisions related to the future development and direction of the platform.

The CELR token plays a key role in the CelerX platform, which is a mobile app that allows users to play games and participate in other activities using cryptocurrencies. It can be used within the CelerX app to purchase in-game items, participate in tournaments, and earn rewards, which created a rich community environment.

Overall, the CELR token is an essential component of the Celer Network platform, serving as a means of payment, staking, governance, and participation in the broader CelerX ecosystem. Its role in incentivizing network participation and facilitating transaction processing makes it a critical part of the platform’s overall functioning.

Is Celer Network (CELR) a Good Investment?

As with any investment, considering whether or not Celer Network is a good investment requires careful consideration of a number of factors.

One factor to consider is the overall market for Layer-2 scaling solutions. While there is clearly a growing demand for scaling solutions that can address the limitations of the main blockchain, there are also a number of other projects that are working on similar solutions, bringing in an element of competition that could potentially impact the long-term viability of Celer Network.

Another factor to consider is the volatility of the cryptocurrency market as a whole. They are notoriously volatile, and the same logic can be applied to the price of the CELR token, which has fluctuated widely since its launch. While this can create good opportunities for high returns, it also introduces risk, particularly for investors who are looking for more stable long-term investments.

How to own CELR?

One way to own CELR is to go through a centralized crypto exchange. The first step is to create a Gate.io account and complete the KYC process. Once you have added funds to your account, check out the steps to buy CELR on the spot or through the derivatives market.

Take Action on CELR

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Автор: Gabriel
Перекладач: cedar
Рецензент(-и): Matheus、Ashley
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