
In 2020, the " DeFi Summer" left people fascinated by the charm of Decentralized Finance, and also brought the Ethereum ecosystem to the forefront of crypto space. Let us show you here how to play with the DeFi "Money Legos".

Articles (615)

What is MEV tax? Who pays it?

What is MEV tax? Who pays it?

The MEV tax is a system that lets smart contracts automatically collect fees by analyzing transaction priority fees. In this setup, smart contracts take a percentage of the priority fees, which are paid by users to speed up their transaction confirmations on the network. This system can be used by any smart contract without needing special external tools, allowing developers to create custom fee models based on their application requirements. This adaptability ensures that various blockchain protocols and applications can optimize their strategies while staying compatible with other systems.
Render Network: Linking global GPU energy and leading a new revolution in 3D rendering

Render Network: Linking global GPU energy and leading a new revolution in 3D rendering

Render Network uses smart contracts to build a decentralized rendering service ecosystem and utilizes distributed computing resources. This process not only increases rendering efficiency, but also reduces costs, provides high-quality rendering results, and achieves more efficient resources. Utilization enables creators to cost-effectively access GPU resources. Repost the original title:Render Network: Linking global GPU energy and leading a new revolution in 3D rendering
Aave V4: Unified Liquidity Layer

Aave V4: Unified Liquidity Layer

This article explores Solana ecosystem projects beginning to build Layer 2 solutions, sparking discussions among supporters. Solana's Layer 2 solutions, such as Zeta Markets' ZX, achieve high throughput and low latency through optimistic rollups and zero-knowledge proof technology.
Dive into Hyperliquid

Dive into Hyperliquid

Hyperliquid's vision is to develop an on-chain open financial system. At the core of this ecosystem is Hyperliquid L1, where every interaction, whether an order, cancellation, or settlement, is executed on-chain. Hyperliquid excels in product and marketing and has no external investors. With the launch of its second season points program, more and more people are becoming enthusiastic about on-chain trading. Hyperliquid has expanded from a trading product to building its own ecosystem.
From Web2 to Web3: How TON Chain is Transforming Social Interactions and Payments

From Web2 to Web3: How TON Chain is Transforming Social Interactions and Payments

TON (The Open Network) is the only public blockchain officially supported by Telegram. Leveraging Telegram's vast user base of 900 million monthly active users, TON is creating a unique narrative that spans payments, social interactions, and mini-programs. It seamlessly transitions Web2 business models to Web3 without the cost of user migration by using Telegram's existing social network.
Allora White Paper: A Self-Improving Decentralized AI Network

Allora White Paper: A Self-Improving Decentralized AI Network

The goal of Allora Network is to enable nodes in the decentralized AI network to collaborate better through a better incentive structure; at the same time, it introduces more intelligent ways to identify contextual details to improve the effectiveness of machine learning models, thereby achieving more efficient The key highlights of efficient intelligent reasoning and judgment lie in situation awareness and differentiated incentive structures. These innovations enable the network to provide the best inference results in any environment while providing fair equity for each participant's unique contribution. award.
Solv Protocol: A New Paradigm for Asset Management under the CeDeFi Trend

Solv Protocol: A New Paradigm for Asset Management under the CeDeFi Trend

Solv Protocol's rapid growth is attributed to its focus on the burgeoning "Restaking+Yield'' lending sector, which revolves around BTC as the core asset and expands horizontally across the multi-chain landscape. In simpler terms, as Restaking projects like Bouncebit and Ethena gain traction, a new breed of "CeDeFi '' projects that combine CeFi management with DeFi market liquidity have emerged as a prominent force.
 The Upcoming AO Token: Potentially the Ultimate Solution for On-Chain AI Agents

The Upcoming AO Token: Potentially the Ultimate Solution for On-Chain AI Agents

AO, built on Arweave's on-chain storage, achieves infinitely scalable decentralized computing, allowing an unlimited number of processes to run in parallel. Decentralized AI Agents are hosted on-chain by AR and run on-chain by AO.
Berachain V2: What’s New?

Berachain V2: What’s New?

Berachain V2 has migrated from the Polaris architecture to BeaconKit, improving network performance. BeaconKit allows the use of any Ethereum execution client, such as Reth, Geth, or Nethermind, making Berachain fully compatible with EVM. This upgrade resolves the bottlenecks encountered in V1, ensuring smoother transaction processing.
Understanding Pencil Protocol

Understanding Pencil Protocol

Pencil Protocol is a Launchpad platform based on Scroll, backed by investments from Gate Labs, OKX Ventures, Animoca Brands, Presto Labs, and others. Following a brand upgrade, it has optimized various aspects of LaunchPad, Staking, and Vaults asset management, and is set to introduce a new Pencils points system, actively expanding its ecosystem.
Creditcoin ($CTC): A Decentralized RWA Credit Financial System

Creditcoin ($CTC): A Decentralized RWA Credit Financial System

This article offers an in-depth look at Creditcoin, a decentralized credit lending platform. It covers how the platform operates, its core and economic mechanisms, and details about the $CTC token. Additionally, it explains how blockchain technology is used to revolutionize traditional credit models and provides a platform for individuals without bank accounts to accumulate credit.
What is Fringe Finance?

What is Fringe Finance?

Fringe Finance is a DeFi platform that focuses on expanding financial accessibility for web3 users regardless of their level of expertise.
What is REI Network? All You Need to Know About REI

What is REI Network? All You Need to Know About REI

REI Network isn't new in the crypto industry, it's an evolved iteration of GXChain. The transformation into REI aimed to align with the blockchain's evolving trajectory, striving for a lightweight, Ethereum-compatible framework with heightened performance and fee-free transactions.
Three-Minute Quick Read: How to Build USD0, an RWA-Collateralized Stablecoin?

Three-Minute Quick Read: How to Build USD0, an RWA-Collateralized Stablecoin?

The problem with the traditional financial system is that customer deposit profits flow into the banks' pockets while the risks are transferred to the public. Usual chooses RWA support in the fiat-backed and algorithm-backed stablecoin race to redesign the stablecoin USD0. Considerations include choosing government bonds as the best option due to their high liquidity and safety. To ensure asset stability, the issuer must use short-term assets to collateralize the stablecoin, providing holders with a high level of security. This strategy prevents forced liquidation at a discount during mass redemptions and guards against volatility events that could reduce collateral value.
Sui: How are users leveraging its speed, security, & scalability?

Sui: How are users leveraging its speed, security, & scalability?

Sui is a PoS L1 blockchain with a novel architecture whose object-centric model enables parallelization of transactions through verifier level scaling. In this research paper the unique features of the Sui blockchain will be introduced, the economic prospects of SUI tokens will be presented, and it will be explained how investors can learn about which dApps are driving the use of the chain through the Sui application campaign.
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