MetaVerse-M Price M

24H Low $0.0004287
$0.0004804 24H High

About MetaVerse-M (M)

Meta (M) is a decentralized exchange running on Binance Smart Chain. What we built is a perpetual deflationary system, the (M) Token allows a constant price increase with a sufficient burning mechanism. We are not trying to replace the other exchanges but want to add value into the eco-system and create a suitable and sustainable environment for people to yield farm with safe and high returns.
24H Volume$1.16
All-Time High(ATH)$0.06805
All-Time Low(ATL)$0.000396
Market Cap$4.74K
Fully Diluted Valuation$4.75K
Market Cap/FDV99.84%
Circulating Supply9.98M M
Total Supply8.68M M
Max Supply10.00M M
Market SentimentPositive
* Data from 3rd parties

MetaVerse-M (M) Price Trends

Time period
Change amount
% Change

Credibility Indicators


Reliability Score

Rank #1



TOP 35%

Live MetaVerse-M (M) Price Update

MetaVerse-M price today is $0.0004754 with a 24-hour trading volume of $1.16, and as such MetaVerse-M has a market cap of $4.74K, giving it a market dominance of 0.00000015%. The MetaVerse-M price moved +0.3% in the last 24 hours.

MetaVerse-M reached its highest price on 2022-06-22 when it was trading at its all-time high of $0.06805, while its lowest price was recorded on 2024-09-08 when it was trading at its all-time low of $0.000396. The current lowest price since the last cycle high was $0.000396, and the highest price since the last cycle low was $0.06805. The social sentiment of MetaVerse-M is currently Neutral.

FAQs: MetaVerse-M (M) Price

What determines the price movement of MetaVerse-M (M)?

What is the highest price of MetaVerse-M price in history?

What is the lowest price of MetaVerse-M price in history?

What is the current market cap of MetaVerse-M?

How many MetaVerse-M are there in the market?

What is the maximum supply of MetaVerse-M?

What is the fully diluted market cap (or FDV) of MetaVerse-M?

What is the price prediction of MetaVerse-M ?

Is MetaVerse-M a good investment?

How to buy MetaVerse-M?

MetaVerse-M Tokenomics

MetaVerse-M Data Analysis

Fund Flow Percentage

Net Main Inflow


Net Retail Inflow


Market Sentiment


No record

Fund Flow Analysis

Small Orders

Net Inflow ($)


Inflow ($)-
Outflow ($)-

Medium Orders

Net Inflow ($)


Inflow ($)-
Outflow ($)-

Large Orders

Net Inflow ($)


Inflow ($)-
Outflow ($)-

Funds Flow Record

Transfer Time
Inflow ($)
Outflow ($)
Net Inflow ($)
No record

Holding Distribution

Top 5 AddressTotal

MetaVerse-M (M) News

MetaVerse-M (M) Announcements

Market Cap
2024-09-14--2.09K M$0.0004787N/A
2024-09-13--2.23K M$0.0004634$0.0004787
2024-09-12--2.47K M$0.0004549$0.0004634
2024-09-11--2.09K M$0.0004416$0.0004549
2024-09-10--2.44K M$0.0004433$0.0004416
2024-09-09--6.68K M$0.0003999$0.0004433
2024-09-08--2.59K M$0.0004187$0.0003999