Time period | Change amount | % Change |
1H | $+0.0000001619 | +0.070% |
24H | $+0.000008195 | +3.67% |
7D | $+0.0000218 | +10.4% |
30D | $+0.0000246 | +11.89% |
1Y | $+0.00006606 | +39.93% |
Reliability Score
Rank #1
# 6938
BTM 55%
BCX price today is $0.0002315 with a 24-hour trading volume of $119.03, and as such BCX has a market cap of $39.99 M, giving it a market dominance of 0.0018%. The BCX price moved +3.67% in the last 24 hours.
BCX reached its highest price on 2018-01-13 when it was trading at its all-time high of $0.1045, while its lowest price was recorded on 2022-11-03 when it was trading at its all-time low of $0.00001617. The current lowest price since the last cycle high was $0.00001617, and the highest price since the last cycle low was $0.1045. The social sentiment of BCX is currently Neutral.
The current circulating supply of BCX is 172.76 B BCX. In terms of market cap, BCX is currently ranked 790.
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BCX --
(--% Total Supply)
(--% Market Cap)
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BCX --
(--% Total Supply)
(--% Market Cap)
Name | Total | Locked | Unlocked |
No record |
Date | Market Cap | Volume | Open | Close |
2024-09-10 | $38.64M | 605.96K BCX | $0.0002237 | N/A |
2024-09-09 | $38.85M | 369.32K BCX | $0.0002249 | $0.0002237 |
2024-09-08 | $38.89M | 3.3M BCX | $0.0002251 | $0.0002249 |
2024-09-07 | $40.29M | 4.88M BCX | $0.0002332 | $0.0002251 |
2024-09-06 | $47.09M | 63.36M BCX | $0.0002726 | $0.0002332 |
2024-09-05 | $36.22M | 432.51K BCX | $0.0002096 | $0.0002726 |
2024-09-04 | $36.24M | 1.03M BCX | $0.0002098 | $0.0002096 |
2024-09-03 | $39.08M | 179.58K BCX | $0.0002262 | $0.0002098 |