This course, the third part in our SmartPy learning journey, explores the intriguing aspects of multi-signature smart contracts, game development, and advanced features of Tezos smart contracts. The course aims to provide hands-on knowledge of SmartPy and its advanced applications to solve complex problems in blockchain systems.
Hello and welcome to the first lesson of "Advanced Tezos Development: Multisig Contracts, Games, and More with SmartPy". If you have completed our previous courses, you'll already have a good understanding of Tezos and SmartPy, and have seen how to develop basic smart contracts and work with tokenization and protocols. In our previous courses, we introduced the Tezos blockchain and the fundamentals of SmartPy, a Python-like language for writing smart contracts on Tezos. We've explored how to deploy contracts, make transactions, and interact with contracts on the Tezos blockchain.
This course, the third part in our SmartPy learning journey, explores the intriguing aspects of multi-signature smart contracts, game development, and advanced features of Tezos smart contracts. The course aims to provide hands-on knowledge of SmartPy and its advanced applications to solve complex problems in blockchain systems.
Hello and welcome to the first lesson of "Advanced Tezos Development: Multisig Contracts, Games, and More with SmartPy". If you have completed our previous courses, you'll already have a good understanding of Tezos and SmartPy, and have seen how to develop basic smart contracts and work with tokenization and protocols. In our previous courses, we introduced the Tezos blockchain and the fundamentals of SmartPy, a Python-like language for writing smart contracts on Tezos. We've explored how to deploy contracts, make transactions, and interact with contracts on the Tezos blockchain.