What is DIMO? All You Need to Know About DIMO

BeginnerMay 08, 2024
DIMO is a digital mobility platform that allows users to collect, share, and monetize vehicle data securely.
What is DIMO? All You Need to Know About DIMO

DIMO is a digital mobility platform that allows users to collect, share, and monetize vehicle data securely.

Blockchain technology offers diverse real-world applications, particularly in data sharing and mobility sectors. This tech allows for secure, transparent, and efficient data transactions, essential in industries reliant on accurate and accessible data. In the context of mobility, blockchain facilitates seamless exchanges of vehicle data, enhancing service offerings and user experiences. Through a network effect, as more participants join, the system gains value, fostering a thriving ecosystem for developers and users. This concept underpins the growth strategy of DIMO, a blockchain-based platform focusing on vehicle data.

What is DIMO (DIMO)?

DIMO was founded in 2021 by a dynamic team in Brooklyn, New York, including Alex Rawitz, Rob Solomon, Andy Chatham, and Yevgeny Khessin, who brought diverse experiences from the automotive, mobility, and Web3 sectors. The company embarked on its journey by enabling users in the USA, Canada, and Europe to connect cars from 2008 onwards to its network, focusing initially on the utility of the $DIMO token. This foundational step supports their broader goal of allowing enterprises worldwide to easily offer services to these connected cars, tapping into the same protocol, rewards, and user base.

In 2022, Digital Infrastructure Inc, the company behind DIMO, secured $9 million from investors, including CoinFund and Variant Fund, to enhance the DIMO network and app ecosystem, aiming to simplify ownership of mobility data for consumers and fleets, thereby enriching automotive services across finance, insurance, and more.

By 2023, DIMO had already established a foundational user base, allowing innovators to connect vehicles and access data through a minimal viable application. Moving into 2024, the platform expanded with more accessible hardware and improved user experiences, facilitated by SDKs that encouraged developers to create applications using DIMO’s expanding data capabilities.

Looking ahead to 2025-2026, DIMO anticipates a massive increase in connected vehicles and a maturation of its SDKs and infrastructure. This growth is expected to spur the development of essential applications that attract a broader user base. By 2027, DIMO plans to integrate additional blockchain elements and expand its network with independent nodes and industry partnerships, enhancing its protocol’s functionality and trustlessness.

Over time, DIMO has established significant partnerships, such as YourMechanic, which brings vehicle services directly to the user’s location, and Caribou, simplifying vehicle refinancing. Lease End aids in reducing costs on leased vehicles, while DriveDIMO sells essential connected vehicle devices and accessories. Tenet offers innovative financing solutions for electric vehicles, and Vehicle Genius provides subscriptions for expert vehicle advice.

By the end of the decade, DIMO aims to become a standard in-vehicle connectivity, similar to smartphones today, driven by the utility of its ecosystem rather than mere token incentives. This trajectory reflects the founders’ vision of leveraging open-source, decentralized technology to revolutionize vehicle connectivity and data utilization.

How Does DIMO Work? Smart Cars and Ethereum Virtual Machine

DIMO transforms any car into a smart, programmable device by linking it to a blockchain-based platform that modernizes the transportation industry. This system makes every vehicle manufactured after 2008 programmable and smart by connecting it to the DIMO network, leveraging advances in cryptography, blockchain technology, cellular networks, and automotive technologies.

At the core of DIMO’s functionality is its ability to allow vehicle owners to connect their cars, collect extensive data, and utilize or monetize this information through a secure, decentralized network. Vehicle owners can connect their cars using compatible hardware devices like the DIMO x AutoPi OBDII device, which facilitates the collection of diverse data from basic details like make and model to complex telemetry and driving patterns.

Once a vehicle is connected, it becomes part of a vast network where data is collected and made actionable. For instance, this data empowers vehicle owners to gain insights into their driving habits, vehicle health, and overall performance. More importantly, through DIMO, owners maintain complete control over their data, deciding who can access it and for what purpose. This contrasts sharply with traditional models, where corporations typically control vehicle data.

The data collected is linked to a unique Vehicle ID on the DIMO network, akin to a digital identity for each vehicle, securely stored and managed on the blockchain. This Vehicle ID enables various applications and services that enhance the user experience. Owners can earn DIMO tokens by allowing access to their vehicle’s data, which can be used within the ecosystem for various services or to participate in governance.

DIMO’s open-source foundation enhances its system’s transparency, reliability, composability, and privacy, significantly boosting user and developer trust in connected devices and services. The platform’s approach positions it as a formidable player against major corporations like Amazon, Apple, and Google, which are also venturing into connected vehicle technology but often restrict data access and control.

As the network evolves, DIMO’s integration with the Ethereum Virtual Machine will further expand its capabilities, allowing it to support a broader range of applications and services while ensuring the security and integrity of transactions across its platform.

Source: drivedimo.com

Ethereum Virtual Machine

DIMO leverages the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to enhance its smart vehicle network, integrating blockchain technology to manage and secure vehicular data comprehensively. The EVM is a powerful computational engine at the heart of Ethereum’s decentralized network, enabling DIMO to execute complex smart contracts that govern interactions within its ecosystem.

By utilizing the EVM, DIMO not only establishes blockchain-based identities for users and vehicles but also securely attaches telemetry data to these identities. This system allows for creating and managing unique digital identities for each vehicle through non-fungible tokens (NFTs), making every car uniquely identifiable and trackable on the blockchain. These digital identities encapsulate detailed aspects of vehicles and their journeys, providing a verifiable history that enhances transparency and trust in-vehicle data.

The Ethereum Virtual Machine facilitates various applications and services that leverage DIMO’s data. Developers can build and deploy decentralized applications (DApps) that interact with real-time vehicular data, offering services from predictive maintenance to optimized fleet management. This infrastructure not only secures data with the robust cryptographic capabilities of the EVM but also ensures that only authorized users and applications can access or interact with the data, thanks to smart contract protocols.

Source: dimo.zone

DIMO Use Cases

DIMO harnesses blockchain technology to transform how vehicle data is managed and utilized, offering several practical applications that benefit vehicle owners and developers. Here are three key use cases for the DIMO platform:

  • Vehicle Management: Owners can access a dashboard that provides real-time insights into vehicle health, driving patterns, and maintenance needs. This helps in proactive vehicle maintenance, reducing the risk of unexpected repairs and prolonging vehicle lifespan.
  • Data Monetization: Users can monetize their vehicle data by sharing it with third parties through the DIMO marketplace. This could include data on driving habits, vehicle usage, and telemetric data, which are valuable for businesses such as insurance companies, researchers, and automotive manufacturers.
  • Enhanced Security: DIMO’s blockchain framework increases the security of vehicle data by ensuring that it is tamper-proof and traceable. Vehicle owners have granular control over who accesses their data, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and enhancing privacy.

What is the DIMO Coin?

$DIMO is a blockchain-based token for transactions and governance on the DIMO network. Its maximum supply is capped at 1 billion units, of which 218.4 million (21.84%) are already in circulation (April 2024).

The $DIMO token is utilized within its open vehicle connectivity ecosystem. Positioned similarly to an airline rewards program for automobiles, the $DIMO token incentivizes users to connect their vehicles and share data by offering tokens as compensation. This blockchain-based token system underpins all transactions on the DIMO platform, from purchasing data to hardware integration.

Drivers earn $DIMO through a blend of baseline and market-driven rewards, focusing on the value and duration of vehicle data connectivity. Initially dominated by baseline rewards, the distribution model is designed to adapt as network demand evolves, ensuring sustainable earnings without inflating the token supply. This approach helps secure long-term participant engagement and accurate data collection.

The economic structure of $DIMO encourages various stakeholders, including vehicle owners and data consumers, to interact within the ecosystem, creating a self-sustaining loop of demand and supply. Users earn $DIMO by contributing data, which can then be utilized within the network for payments or saved as a speculative asset. A notable feature of the DIMO economy is its token burn mechanism, which permanently removes a portion of $DIMO from circulation during transactions, potentially increasing the token’s value over time.

Governance is another critical function of the $DIMO token, providing holders the right to vote on significant decisions about the network’s future. This aspect of the token fosters a decentralized and user-driven governance model, allowing for modifications to the network’s protocols and offerings based on community consensus.

Furthermore, the tokenomics of $DIMO include a strategic distribution plan to align long-term participant incentives with the network’s growth. This plan contains staking mechanisms for hardware manufacturers and service providers to ensure their vested interest in the network’s integrity and success.

Source: docs.dimo.zone

In essence, $DIMO is not just a currency but a fundamental part of the DIMO network’s operations, facilitating transactions, empowering users through financial incentives, and ensuring a decentralized governance structure. As the network evolves, the utility of $DIMO is expected to expand, integrating deeper into the automotive and mobility sectors.

DIMO Ecosystem

The DIMO ecosystem transforms how vehicle owners manage and benefit from their automotive data. Through innovative products and strategic partnerships, DIMO enhances car ownership and usage experiences, leveraging blockchain technology for more than just transactional purposes.


A revolutionary device that converts any car into a smart vehicle by monitoring its health and location. The AutoPi lets owners diagnose vehicle issues through real-time error code reading and battery monitoring. By connecting cars made after 2008, it democratizes access to vehicle data, providing rewards for driving and offering exclusive marketplace discounts. This device ensures that your vehicle’s hidden metrics are no longer a mystery, allowing for proactive maintenance and more informed ownership.

Source: autopi.io

DIMO Mobile App

This comprehensive app is the gateway to the DIMO network, enabling users to connect their cars effortlessly, manage vehicle data, and access maintenance services. Whether pairing with DIMO hardware or integrating with existing vehicle apps, the mobile platform enriches the user experience. It offers features like historical data storage, personalized rewards through marketplace interactions, and customizable privacy settings to protect user data.

Source: dimo.zone/ecosystem

DIMO Macaron

Like the AutoPi, the Macaron is a compact, powerful tool for enhancing your vehicle’s intelligence. It also uses the Helium IoT Network to provide extensive connectivity and real-time data insights, available for cars post-2008. This device enriches the driving experience by tracking vehicle health and location, streamlining maintenance, and unlocking rewards and discounts within the DIMO ecosystem.

Source: drivedimo.com


The YourMechanic partnership with DIMO streamlines vehicle maintenance by offering mobile services directly to your location, bypassing traditional repair shop hassles. DIMO users benefit from transparent pricing and a broad spectrum of services, including routine maintenance and complex repairs. Exclusive discounts and rewards are available for transactions over $10, enhancing value with every service booked using the promo code DIMO.

The integration of YourMechanic not only expands DIMO’s service offerings but also enhances user engagement through additional rewards.

Source: dimo.zone/ecosystem

These products, along with partnerships such as with YourMechanic, illustrate the practical application of the DIMO platform. Services like mobile vehicle maintenance, transparent pricing, and exclusive discounts are designed to make car ownership more cost-effective and convenient.

These initiatives glimpse the broader capabilities developed around DIMO, promising a future where vehicle data enhances every aspect of mobility and maintenance.

Is DIMO a Good Investment?

The evolution of “smart” mobility solutions has naturally led to innovative platforms like DIMO, which aim to enhance vehicle connectivity and data utilization. DIMO offers a unique proposition by enabling vehicle owners to monetize their automotive data through blockchain technology. However, purchasing DIMO tokens does not equate to an investment in the company itself. Token buyers are not acquiring shares or ownership in DIMO but are instead participating in the ecosystem that the platform facilitates. This distinction is crucial for potential participants to understand as they evaluate their involvement based on the utility and potential of the technology rather than traditional equity-based returns.

How to Own DIMO?

To own DIMO, you can use the services of a centralized crypto exchange. Start by creating a Gate.io account, and get it verified and funded. Then, you are ready to go through the steps to buy DIMO.

News on DIMO

According to what was announced on the official DIMO blog in November 2023, DIMO and NATIX announced a groundbreaking partnership in the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure (DePIN) space. This collaboration will allow drivers to leverage their vehicle’s onboard computers and cameras to contribute to NATIX’s real-time digital twin of the world while managing and monetizing their vehicle data through DIMO. Exclusive discounts on DIMO hardware and welcome points from NATIX kickstart this integration, offering tangible benefits for users engaged in transforming automotive data accessibility and utility.

Take Action on DIMO

Check out DIMO price today, and start trading your favorite currency pairs.

著者: Mauro
翻訳者: Paine
レビュアー: Wayne、Matheus、Ashley
* 本情報はGate.ioが提供または保証する金融アドバイス、その他のいかなる種類の推奨を意図したものではなく、構成するものではありません。
* 本記事はGate.ioを参照することなく複製/送信/複写することを禁じます。違反した場合は著作権法の侵害となり法的措置の対象となります。

What is DIMO? All You Need to Know About DIMO

BeginnerMay 08, 2024
DIMO is a digital mobility platform that allows users to collect, share, and monetize vehicle data securely.
What is DIMO? All You Need to Know About DIMO

DIMO is a digital mobility platform that allows users to collect, share, and monetize vehicle data securely.

Blockchain technology offers diverse real-world applications, particularly in data sharing and mobility sectors. This tech allows for secure, transparent, and efficient data transactions, essential in industries reliant on accurate and accessible data. In the context of mobility, blockchain facilitates seamless exchanges of vehicle data, enhancing service offerings and user experiences. Through a network effect, as more participants join, the system gains value, fostering a thriving ecosystem for developers and users. This concept underpins the growth strategy of DIMO, a blockchain-based platform focusing on vehicle data.

What is DIMO (DIMO)?

DIMO was founded in 2021 by a dynamic team in Brooklyn, New York, including Alex Rawitz, Rob Solomon, Andy Chatham, and Yevgeny Khessin, who brought diverse experiences from the automotive, mobility, and Web3 sectors. The company embarked on its journey by enabling users in the USA, Canada, and Europe to connect cars from 2008 onwards to its network, focusing initially on the utility of the $DIMO token. This foundational step supports their broader goal of allowing enterprises worldwide to easily offer services to these connected cars, tapping into the same protocol, rewards, and user base.

In 2022, Digital Infrastructure Inc, the company behind DIMO, secured $9 million from investors, including CoinFund and Variant Fund, to enhance the DIMO network and app ecosystem, aiming to simplify ownership of mobility data for consumers and fleets, thereby enriching automotive services across finance, insurance, and more.

By 2023, DIMO had already established a foundational user base, allowing innovators to connect vehicles and access data through a minimal viable application. Moving into 2024, the platform expanded with more accessible hardware and improved user experiences, facilitated by SDKs that encouraged developers to create applications using DIMO’s expanding data capabilities.

Looking ahead to 2025-2026, DIMO anticipates a massive increase in connected vehicles and a maturation of its SDKs and infrastructure. This growth is expected to spur the development of essential applications that attract a broader user base. By 2027, DIMO plans to integrate additional blockchain elements and expand its network with independent nodes and industry partnerships, enhancing its protocol’s functionality and trustlessness.

Over time, DIMO has established significant partnerships, such as YourMechanic, which brings vehicle services directly to the user’s location, and Caribou, simplifying vehicle refinancing. Lease End aids in reducing costs on leased vehicles, while DriveDIMO sells essential connected vehicle devices and accessories. Tenet offers innovative financing solutions for electric vehicles, and Vehicle Genius provides subscriptions for expert vehicle advice.

By the end of the decade, DIMO aims to become a standard in-vehicle connectivity, similar to smartphones today, driven by the utility of its ecosystem rather than mere token incentives. This trajectory reflects the founders’ vision of leveraging open-source, decentralized technology to revolutionize vehicle connectivity and data utilization.

How Does DIMO Work? Smart Cars and Ethereum Virtual Machine

DIMO transforms any car into a smart, programmable device by linking it to a blockchain-based platform that modernizes the transportation industry. This system makes every vehicle manufactured after 2008 programmable and smart by connecting it to the DIMO network, leveraging advances in cryptography, blockchain technology, cellular networks, and automotive technologies.

At the core of DIMO’s functionality is its ability to allow vehicle owners to connect their cars, collect extensive data, and utilize or monetize this information through a secure, decentralized network. Vehicle owners can connect their cars using compatible hardware devices like the DIMO x AutoPi OBDII device, which facilitates the collection of diverse data from basic details like make and model to complex telemetry and driving patterns.

Once a vehicle is connected, it becomes part of a vast network where data is collected and made actionable. For instance, this data empowers vehicle owners to gain insights into their driving habits, vehicle health, and overall performance. More importantly, through DIMO, owners maintain complete control over their data, deciding who can access it and for what purpose. This contrasts sharply with traditional models, where corporations typically control vehicle data.

The data collected is linked to a unique Vehicle ID on the DIMO network, akin to a digital identity for each vehicle, securely stored and managed on the blockchain. This Vehicle ID enables various applications and services that enhance the user experience. Owners can earn DIMO tokens by allowing access to their vehicle’s data, which can be used within the ecosystem for various services or to participate in governance.

DIMO’s open-source foundation enhances its system’s transparency, reliability, composability, and privacy, significantly boosting user and developer trust in connected devices and services. The platform’s approach positions it as a formidable player against major corporations like Amazon, Apple, and Google, which are also venturing into connected vehicle technology but often restrict data access and control.

As the network evolves, DIMO’s integration with the Ethereum Virtual Machine will further expand its capabilities, allowing it to support a broader range of applications and services while ensuring the security and integrity of transactions across its platform.

Source: drivedimo.com

Ethereum Virtual Machine

DIMO leverages the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to enhance its smart vehicle network, integrating blockchain technology to manage and secure vehicular data comprehensively. The EVM is a powerful computational engine at the heart of Ethereum’s decentralized network, enabling DIMO to execute complex smart contracts that govern interactions within its ecosystem.

By utilizing the EVM, DIMO not only establishes blockchain-based identities for users and vehicles but also securely attaches telemetry data to these identities. This system allows for creating and managing unique digital identities for each vehicle through non-fungible tokens (NFTs), making every car uniquely identifiable and trackable on the blockchain. These digital identities encapsulate detailed aspects of vehicles and their journeys, providing a verifiable history that enhances transparency and trust in-vehicle data.

The Ethereum Virtual Machine facilitates various applications and services that leverage DIMO’s data. Developers can build and deploy decentralized applications (DApps) that interact with real-time vehicular data, offering services from predictive maintenance to optimized fleet management. This infrastructure not only secures data with the robust cryptographic capabilities of the EVM but also ensures that only authorized users and applications can access or interact with the data, thanks to smart contract protocols.

Source: dimo.zone

DIMO Use Cases

DIMO harnesses blockchain technology to transform how vehicle data is managed and utilized, offering several practical applications that benefit vehicle owners and developers. Here are three key use cases for the DIMO platform:

  • Vehicle Management: Owners can access a dashboard that provides real-time insights into vehicle health, driving patterns, and maintenance needs. This helps in proactive vehicle maintenance, reducing the risk of unexpected repairs and prolonging vehicle lifespan.
  • Data Monetization: Users can monetize their vehicle data by sharing it with third parties through the DIMO marketplace. This could include data on driving habits, vehicle usage, and telemetric data, which are valuable for businesses such as insurance companies, researchers, and automotive manufacturers.
  • Enhanced Security: DIMO’s blockchain framework increases the security of vehicle data by ensuring that it is tamper-proof and traceable. Vehicle owners have granular control over who accesses their data, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and enhancing privacy.

What is the DIMO Coin?

$DIMO is a blockchain-based token for transactions and governance on the DIMO network. Its maximum supply is capped at 1 billion units, of which 218.4 million (21.84%) are already in circulation (April 2024).

The $DIMO token is utilized within its open vehicle connectivity ecosystem. Positioned similarly to an airline rewards program for automobiles, the $DIMO token incentivizes users to connect their vehicles and share data by offering tokens as compensation. This blockchain-based token system underpins all transactions on the DIMO platform, from purchasing data to hardware integration.

Drivers earn $DIMO through a blend of baseline and market-driven rewards, focusing on the value and duration of vehicle data connectivity. Initially dominated by baseline rewards, the distribution model is designed to adapt as network demand evolves, ensuring sustainable earnings without inflating the token supply. This approach helps secure long-term participant engagement and accurate data collection.

The economic structure of $DIMO encourages various stakeholders, including vehicle owners and data consumers, to interact within the ecosystem, creating a self-sustaining loop of demand and supply. Users earn $DIMO by contributing data, which can then be utilized within the network for payments or saved as a speculative asset. A notable feature of the DIMO economy is its token burn mechanism, which permanently removes a portion of $DIMO from circulation during transactions, potentially increasing the token’s value over time.

Governance is another critical function of the $DIMO token, providing holders the right to vote on significant decisions about the network’s future. This aspect of the token fosters a decentralized and user-driven governance model, allowing for modifications to the network’s protocols and offerings based on community consensus.

Furthermore, the tokenomics of $DIMO include a strategic distribution plan to align long-term participant incentives with the network’s growth. This plan contains staking mechanisms for hardware manufacturers and service providers to ensure their vested interest in the network’s integrity and success.

Source: docs.dimo.zone

In essence, $DIMO is not just a currency but a fundamental part of the DIMO network’s operations, facilitating transactions, empowering users through financial incentives, and ensuring a decentralized governance structure. As the network evolves, the utility of $DIMO is expected to expand, integrating deeper into the automotive and mobility sectors.

DIMO Ecosystem

The DIMO ecosystem transforms how vehicle owners manage and benefit from their automotive data. Through innovative products and strategic partnerships, DIMO enhances car ownership and usage experiences, leveraging blockchain technology for more than just transactional purposes.


A revolutionary device that converts any car into a smart vehicle by monitoring its health and location. The AutoPi lets owners diagnose vehicle issues through real-time error code reading and battery monitoring. By connecting cars made after 2008, it democratizes access to vehicle data, providing rewards for driving and offering exclusive marketplace discounts. This device ensures that your vehicle’s hidden metrics are no longer a mystery, allowing for proactive maintenance and more informed ownership.

Source: autopi.io

DIMO Mobile App

This comprehensive app is the gateway to the DIMO network, enabling users to connect their cars effortlessly, manage vehicle data, and access maintenance services. Whether pairing with DIMO hardware or integrating with existing vehicle apps, the mobile platform enriches the user experience. It offers features like historical data storage, personalized rewards through marketplace interactions, and customizable privacy settings to protect user data.

Source: dimo.zone/ecosystem

DIMO Macaron

Like the AutoPi, the Macaron is a compact, powerful tool for enhancing your vehicle’s intelligence. It also uses the Helium IoT Network to provide extensive connectivity and real-time data insights, available for cars post-2008. This device enriches the driving experience by tracking vehicle health and location, streamlining maintenance, and unlocking rewards and discounts within the DIMO ecosystem.

Source: drivedimo.com


The YourMechanic partnership with DIMO streamlines vehicle maintenance by offering mobile services directly to your location, bypassing traditional repair shop hassles. DIMO users benefit from transparent pricing and a broad spectrum of services, including routine maintenance and complex repairs. Exclusive discounts and rewards are available for transactions over $10, enhancing value with every service booked using the promo code DIMO.

The integration of YourMechanic not only expands DIMO’s service offerings but also enhances user engagement through additional rewards.

Source: dimo.zone/ecosystem

These products, along with partnerships such as with YourMechanic, illustrate the practical application of the DIMO platform. Services like mobile vehicle maintenance, transparent pricing, and exclusive discounts are designed to make car ownership more cost-effective and convenient.

These initiatives glimpse the broader capabilities developed around DIMO, promising a future where vehicle data enhances every aspect of mobility and maintenance.

Is DIMO a Good Investment?

The evolution of “smart” mobility solutions has naturally led to innovative platforms like DIMO, which aim to enhance vehicle connectivity and data utilization. DIMO offers a unique proposition by enabling vehicle owners to monetize their automotive data through blockchain technology. However, purchasing DIMO tokens does not equate to an investment in the company itself. Token buyers are not acquiring shares or ownership in DIMO but are instead participating in the ecosystem that the platform facilitates. This distinction is crucial for potential participants to understand as they evaluate their involvement based on the utility and potential of the technology rather than traditional equity-based returns.

How to Own DIMO?

To own DIMO, you can use the services of a centralized crypto exchange. Start by creating a Gate.io account, and get it verified and funded. Then, you are ready to go through the steps to buy DIMO.

News on DIMO

According to what was announced on the official DIMO blog in November 2023, DIMO and NATIX announced a groundbreaking partnership in the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure (DePIN) space. This collaboration will allow drivers to leverage their vehicle’s onboard computers and cameras to contribute to NATIX’s real-time digital twin of the world while managing and monetizing their vehicle data through DIMO. Exclusive discounts on DIMO hardware and welcome points from NATIX kickstart this integration, offering tangible benefits for users engaged in transforming automotive data accessibility and utility.

Take Action on DIMO

Check out DIMO price today, and start trading your favorite currency pairs.

著者: Mauro
翻訳者: Paine
レビュアー: Wayne、Matheus、Ashley
* 本情報はGate.ioが提供または保証する金融アドバイス、その他のいかなる種類の推奨を意図したものではなく、構成するものではありません。
* 本記事はGate.ioを参照することなく複製/送信/複写することを禁じます。違反した場合は著作権法の侵害となり法的措置の対象となります。