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  • Harga Quantum Resistant Ledger
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    Quantum Resistant Ledger


    Peringkat #1085


    Rendah 24J$0.2963
    $0.3194Tinggi 24J
    Volume 24J
    All-Time High(ATH)
    All-Time Low(ATL)
    Kapitalisasi Pasar
    $24.8 M
    Fully Diluted Value
    $33.36 M
    Kapitalisasi Pasar/FDV
    Pasokan Beredar
    78.05 M QRL
    Total Pasokan
    105 M QRL
    Maks Pasokan
    105 M QRL
    Sentimen Pasar
    * Data dari pihak ketiga

    Tren Harga Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL)

    Periode waktu
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    Skor Reliabilitas

    Peringkat #1

    # 2514


    TOP 20%

    Live Pembaruan Harga Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL)

    HargaQuantum Resistant Ledger hari ini adalah $0.3177 dengan volume perdagangan 24 jam sebesar $956827, dan dengan demikian Quantum Resistant Ledger memiliki kapitalisasi pasar sebesar $24.8 M, sehingga memberikan dominasi pasar sebesar 0.00095%. Harga Quantum Resistant Ledger bergerak 7.23% dalam 24 jam terakhir.

    Quantum Resistant Ledger mencapai harga tertingginya pada 2018-01-09 ketika diperdagangkan pada all-time high di $3.87, sedangkan harga terendahnya tercatat pada 2023-12-01 ketika diperdagangkan pada all-time low di $0.04117. Harga terendah saat ini sejak siklus tertinggi terakhir adalah $0.04117, dan harga tertinggi sejak siklus terendah terakhir adalah $3.87. Sentimen sosial Quantum Resistant Ledger saat ini adalah Positif.

    Pasokan Quantum Resistant Ledger yang beredar saat ini adalah $78.05 M QRL. Dalam hal kapitalisasi pasar, Quantum Resistant Ledger saat ini berada di peringkat 1085.

    Tentang Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL)

    Quantum Resistant Ledger is a cryptocurrency based on the Python programming language, aimed at combating future attacks by quantum computers. This cryptocurrency is the brainchild of Peter Waterland who realised that Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other such cryptocurrencies have no protection against future technology. It claims to be a “future-proof” cryptocurrency which enables transactions and decentralized communication while providing protection against classical as well as quantum computer attacks. The Quantum Resistant Ledger company was founded by Peter Waterland, who found that Bitcoin, as well as Ethereum signatures are susceptible to attacks by powerful quantum computers. His research on quantum computers and signature programs let to the development of this new cryptocurrency, designed to be resistant to the present classical attacks as well as any future quantum computer attacks. Their team is made up of a diverse range of members spread out across the world, including developers (core, blockchain, mobile developers, etc.), analysts, advisors, marketing managers, designers and more. Quantum Resistant Ledger is the first ever cryptocurrency and the only one in existence as of August 2018, to consider the threat that the future technology of quantum computing poses to cryptocurrencies and their working. It uses a technology specifically designed for post-quantum security, called XMSS, which makes it secure against powerful quantum computers even while using a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. Security against cyber-attacks is a very serious concern in this digital age, especially when you have digital assets whose loss is likely to lead you to bankruptcy. QRL is the first blockchain technology that provides durability and stability through resistance to quantum computer attacks. The encryption methods used by modern blockchains can become vulnerable to quantum computers over the next te


    1. Apa yang menentukan pergerakan harga Quantum Resistant Ledger?

    Ada dua aliran pemikiran dalam menentukan harga Quantum Resistant Ledger.
    Berdasarkan nilai intrinsik: Hal ini biasanya melibatkan metrik on-chain, metrik proyek, dan metrik keuangan Quantum Resistant Ledger, yang secara kolektif dikenal sebagai analisis fundamental. Hukum penawaran dan permintaan, tokenomik, kasus penggunaan, peta jalan proyek, serta peraturan dan tata kelola yang terlibat akan mempengaruhi nilai Quantum Resistant Ledger dari perspektif jangka panjang.
    Berdasarkan aksi harga: Terutama dianalisis melalui pola grafik candlestick dan indikator teknis seperti MACD, RSI, dan bollinger band, analisis teknis memperkirakan harga Quantum Resistant Ledger atas dasar bahwa sejarah cenderung berulang. Karena grafik candlestick merupakan representasi umum dari emosi pasar, pengumuman berita dan sentimen komunitas juga dapat menjadi pendorong aksi harga yang signifikan untuk Quantum Resistant Ledger .
    Investor cenderung lebih menyukai analisis fundamental yang bersifat jangka panjang, sedangkan trader jangka pendek cenderung lebih mengandalkan analisis teknis. Pada kenyataannya, kedua analisis tersebut dapat menggabungkan dan menciptakan skenario menarik untuk Quantum Resistant Ledger dan pasar mata uang kripto secara keseluruhan.

    Quantum Resistant Ledger Tokenomik

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