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مقالات ذات صلة (323)

Gate Research: Germany and Mt. Gox Addresses Sell-Off Panic Eases as Market Rebounds from Lows

Gate Research: Germany and Mt. Gox Addresses Sell-Off Panic Eases as Market Rebounds from Lows

Gate Research's Weekly Market Review and Outlook covers Bitcoin and altcoin trends, macro liquidity, on-chain indicators, hot project updates, token unlock information, and key industry events, providing comprehensive analysis and predictions for the cryptocurrency market.
Overview of the emerging Bitcoin Layer 1 DEX landscape

Overview of the emerging Bitcoin Layer 1 DEX landscape

This article analyzes the current state of decentralized finance (DeFi) on Bitcoin, introducing the emergence of meta-protocols such as Ordinals, Runes, BRC20, and TAP, and the challenges faced when trading tokens.
Analyze the Relationship Between BTC Spot ETFs and CME's Massive Short Positions

Analyze the Relationship Between BTC Spot ETFs and CME's Massive Short Positions

This article analyzes the recent panic in the cryptocurrency market, focusing on the large short positions in Bitcoin futures at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Since launching BTC futures trading in 2017, CME now holds 28.75% of the market. Currently, CME's short positions amount to $5.8 billion, raising concerns about large-scale shorting of BTC by Wall Street. The author analyzes the data and suggests that these short positions are likely due to institutional investors arbitraging the price difference between CME futures and Bitcoin spot ETFs, rather than simply being bearish on the market. The article also discusses the potential impact of this arbitrage strategy on ETF net inflows and Bitcoin prices, urging investors to reassess the significance of the relevant data. Additionally, it points out that there are still bearish forces in the market, so caution is advised.
Top 15 AI Crypto to Invest in 2024

Top 15 AI Crypto to Invest in 2024

Looking for the best AI crypto investments? Explore the top 15 AI cryptos to invest in 2024 and secure a financial future with cutting-edge technology.
A Deep Dive into PayPal USD (PYUSD)

A Deep Dive into PayPal USD (PYUSD)

This article will attempt to analyze the internal logic behind PayPal's shift towards Crypto, the launch of PYUSD on Solana, and the evolutionary strategy of PYUSD towards Mass Adoption.
From Modularity to Aggregation: Exploring the Core of Polygon 2.0’s Agglayer

From Modularity to Aggregation: Exploring the Core of Polygon 2.0’s Agglayer

Agglayer is the core component of Polygon 2.0, designed to unify fragmented blockchains by aggregating and ensuring atomic cross-chain transactions. Its goal is to provide a seamless user experience equivalent to a single-chain level, addressing the issues of liquidity and state fragmentation in the current blockchain ecosystem.
Exploring the Controversial Crypto Market Maker DWF Labs

Exploring the Controversial Crypto Market Maker DWF Labs

This article introduces the well-known cryptocurrency market maker DWF Labs from a bird’s eye view. In recent years, this market maker has been mired in controversy. The article discusses DWF Labs' business model, recent investments, and reputation in the industry. It also mentions why market makers are needed, the DWF incident, and its impact on the industry. Some people believe that DWF Labs is a disruptive force in the industry, while others think they are manipulating the market. Overall, the article explores the complexity of the role that DWF Labs plays in the cryptocurrency market.
Comprehensive Guide to Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)

Comprehensive Guide to Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) represents the cutting edge of privacy protection technology. It offers exceptional privacy safeguards and can be utilized in Web3 for securing transaction privacy, protecting AI data, and enhancing privacy in co-processing units.
Comprehensive interpretation of parallel EVM

Comprehensive interpretation of parallel EVM

Parallel EVM is an upgraded version of the traditional Ethereum Virtual Machine. It improves the transaction throughput and efficiency of the blockchain by processing multiple non-conflicting transactions at the same time. Its implementation includes scheduling-based concurrency processing, multi-threaded EVM instances and system-level sharding.
 How To Effectively Cancel A Transaction On The Blockchain?

How To Effectively Cancel A Transaction On The Blockchain?

Canceling a transaction can be difficult because it typically requires specialized knowledge and an understanding of the steps involved in resolving the issue. This article provides examples and execution steps for Web3 users to cancel a transaction before it is confirmed on the blockchain.
Epochs and slots all the way down: ways to give Ethereum users faster

Epochs and slots all the way down: ways to give Ethereum users faster

區塊鏈良好用戶體驗的一個必不可少的特性是快速的交易確認時間,如今的以太坊與五年前相比已經有了很大的進步,這得益於 EIP -1559 和 PoS 合併之後穩定的出塊時間,用戶在 L1 上發送的交易可以在5-20 秒內得到可靠的確認,已接近信用卡支付的使用體驗。文中探討了加速以太坊交易確認時間的幾種方法,包括單時隙確定性、Rollup 預確認以及 Based 預確認機制,並強調了 slot 和 epoch 架構在提供快速交易確認方面的重要性。
Building On-Chain Options and DOVs

Building On-Chain Options and DOVs

This high-level guide outlines the common design variations of on-chain options and how they use oracles in their pricing and settlement.
Gate Research:Weekly Market Review and Outlook 06.29-07.05

Gate Research:Weekly Market Review and Outlook 06.29-07.05

Gate Research's Weekly Market Review and Outlook covers Bitcoin and altcoin trends, macro liquidity, on-chain indicators, hot project updates, token unlock information, and key industry events, providing comprehensive analysis and predictions for the cryptocurrency market.
What is SingularityDAO? All You Need To Know About SDAO

What is SingularityDAO? All You Need To Know About SDAO

SingularityDAO is a non-custodial asset management protocol that offers dynamically adjusted baskets of tokens managed by a team of traders aided by highly advanced Artificial Intelligence.
On-chain Barter: Bringing Back The Rhythm of Crypto

On-chain Barter: Bringing Back The Rhythm of Crypto

This article explores two intertwined theoretical themes: the evolution of DeFi's liquidity technology and the transformative impact of on-chain barter from an economic history perspective. The aim is to assert that a significant DeFi revolution is imminent; it just requires a bit more patience. Visionary builders who maintain idealism will ultimately be rewarded by the market. We've meticulously monitored the development of the decentralized exchange (DEX) market to demonstrate that the on-chain barter trade's emergence is not coincidental, but a genuine game-changer. It marks a crucial chapter in the history of Web3 builders. Realizing its potential calls for substantial innovation and enhancement, not just within the DEX but also at the fundamental infrastructure level.
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بوابتك لاكتساب المعرفة المتعلقة بالعملات الرقمية ، احصل على تنبيهات بالمقالات في صندوق الوارد الخاص بك مباشرةً.