• Chuyển đổi ngôn ngữ và tỷ giá hối đoái
  • Cài đặt tùy chọn
    Màu sắc tăng giảm
    Thời gian bắt đầu tăng giảm


Have you ever tried P2P trading on our platform? We are offering you another exciting trading game to earn some more!

A whopping 30,000 USDT prize pool is up for grabs! If you are familiar with the P2P platforms or have traded frequently both now and in the past, it’s time to win some USDT!

Activity 1 : Normal users trade to get 10 USDT

How to qualify:
Start to trade on our P2P platform DURING THE ASSIGNED ACTIVITY PERIOD!

You can:
1. Trade with fiat USD, INR, TRY, BRL, EUR, NGN, UAH, RUB, VND, JPY, MYR or THB for this activity.
2. Have a minimum trading value of 20 USDT.
3. Trade at least once.

Activity 2 : Invite new friends to register and get 10 USDT in reward (10 USDT each)

How to qualify:
Invite new friends to register

You can invite as many friends as you want.
ngôn ngữ và khu vực
tỷ giá hối đoái
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