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Thông báo Gate.io launches a $100 million industry liquidity support fund
Gate.io launches a $100 million industry liquidity support fund
2022-11-25 10:40:33 UTC 210102 Số lượt đọc
Gate.io is the largest currency asset trading platform in the industry, within the top 3 global spot trading volumes, and has more than 12 million users worldwide. As a platform that emerged strongly repeatedly from several crypto winters, Gate.io has the confidence to help the entire industry regain confidence with exchanges in light of recent events.

Gate.io has established a $100 million industry liquidity support fund for all market makers, high-frequency trading institutions, high-quality listing projects, and other institutional clients or HNW individuals, including but not limited to Gate.io or other platforms from the industry. We welcome all industry participants to join so that we can work together to help revive the crypto industry.

Highlights of the industry liquidity support fund:
1. Eligibility: all market makers, high-frequency trading institutions, high-quality listing projects, and other institutional clients or HNW individuals, including but not limited to Gate.io or other platforms from the industry.
2. Funding: according to each customer's needs - up to US$10 million equivalent token funding support can be provided.
3. Usage of funds: used for market making/trading in Gate.io’s spot and futures markets, and can be used independently within the scope of risk control.
4. There is currently no deadline, and the funding amount can be further increased at any time depending on the market environment.

For new market makers or business cooperation, please contact: mm@gate.io. Telegram contact: @KA_EMEA,@KA_APAC。

Gate.io promises to continue to provide users with high-quality products, services, and trading experience, provide more strategic measures to ensure the security of funds, and ensure the management of user assets in a truly fair, transparent, and safe manner.

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Users who have traded more than $8 million on Gate.io or other exchanges in the past 30 days enter the Global Market Maker Program

Reach out to us!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
GateVIP Twitter:https://twitter.com/GateioVIP

Telegram: https://t.me/gate_zh
API Telegram:https://t.me/gateioapi


Gate.io Team
November 25, 2022
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