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Thông báo Daily SharkFin under BTC Launched: Get An Annualized Yield of Up To 16%!
Daily SharkFin under BTC Launched: Get An Annualized Yield of Up To 16%!
2022-04-11 05:34:51 UTC 15791 Số lượt đọc
Gate.io will launch a Daily SharkFin product under BTC with an annualized yield of 3%~16%. It will be available for subscription starting from 4:00 on April 11th to 4:00 on April 12th UTC. The total position reaches 300 BTC, the lock-up period is 7 days, and the price range is $41,500 - $46,000. You're welcome to participate!

View more details at https://www.gate.io/en/structured_financial/sharkFin2/73

Join Gate.io HODL & Earn Telegram group: https://t.me/gateio_hodl_en

How does the new Daily SharkFin product generate a return on investment?
During the observation period, if the prices of the target asset stay within the per-specified price range ($41,500~$46,000), users can then earn a higher annualized income of 16%. At settlement, the closer the prices of the target asset price are to the upper limit ($46,000) of the price range, the higher the annual return.
During the observation period, if the prices of the target asset have gone beyond the price range (lower than $41,500, or higher than $46,000), the user can obtain a guaranteed return of 3%.

Specifications of the Daily BTC SharkFin_20220412
1. Lockup currency: BTC
2. Return: floating interest rate, ranging from 3%-16% APR
3. Interest currency: BTC
4. Subscription Time: April 11th 4:00 - April 12th 4:00 (UTC time)
5. Lockup period: 7 days
6. Interest calculation start time: 4:00 on April 12th, UTC time
7. Settlement Time: 4:00 on April 19th, UTC time
8. Observation price: refer to the BTC/USDT perpetual contract price on Deribit
9. If at any time during the observation period, the price is below the per-specified price range, the product is settled on a 3% APR; if the price is above the per-specified price range, the product is settled on a 16% APR. If prices always stay within the price range, the return rate will be determined according to where BTC/USDT perpetual contract price falls on Gate.io at 4:00 on Apr 19th UTC.

Users can go to the Gate.io official website to experience a variety of new high-yield financial products. We will release new arrivals every day.
View more on Structured Financial Products

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April 11
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