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Thông báo Gate.io’s Celebrates International Women’s Day With Female Artist NFT Campaign
Gate.io’s Celebrates International Women’s Day With Female Artist NFT Campaign
2022-03-09 09:24:14 UTC 67844 Số lượt đọc

In celebration of International Women's Day, Gate.io, one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has launched a new campaign to honour the impact of female artists in the NFT and gaming industries.

Since being launched, Gate.io's NFT Magic Box marketplace has experienced a tremendous amount of success with over 57,000 NFTs being listed and sold to date. As the platform continues to experience growth and make even more listings available to its over 10 million users, Gate.io is planning to support creators and creative artists in the NFT and gaming industries.

Starting on the 8th of March 2022,coinciding with International Women’s Day, the upcoming Female Artist themed campaign will allow creative females to showcase their talents through the Gate.io platform and benefit from NFT drop sponsorships on Gate.io’s new weekly NFT newsletter and various social media platforms, until it closes on the 31st of March 2022.

How To Participate

During the campaign, interested female artists can apply by registering and submitting an application form consisting of basic identity information, their individual Gate ID, detailed description of the NFT piece, proof of work creation, alongside the NFT artwork. The campaign supports and allows for various types of NFT creations to be listed, including digital arts, paintings, and movies. Every week, Gate.io will select a winner whose NFT piece will be sponsored, making a total number of four (4) drops through the month.

Applicants are also encouraged to submit their works alongside their creative processes and inspirations as Gate.io will provide support to artists looking to submit their creations on the NFT Magic Box platform.

🔗Apply Now

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