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Thông báo Gate.io Android APP V3.0.5 beta version is Released: Update the Contract, Quantification, and Mortgage Pages
Gate.io Android APP V3.0.5 beta version is Released: Update the Contract, Quantification, and Mortgage Pages
2021-12-10 06:42:12 UTC 42324 Số lượt đọc
Gate.io released the Android V3.0.5 beta version. After the update, the Contract, Quantification, and Mortgage pages are optimized: USD settlement is available; the spot transaction page, as well as functions such as network nodes and the push service, are updated. In addition, bugs in the previous version are fixed. Gate.io has been always committed to providing users with professional and quality transaction-related experiences and services.

Download the latest Gate. io Android APP here: https://www.gate.io/mobileapp
(You can also click "About Us" on the left tab of Gate.io App to upgrade to the latest APP.)

Scan the following QR Code to download:

Note: If a system crash happens during the process of upgrading from the previous version, please delete the old version and reinstall the latest one.

APP Updates:
Ⅰ. Contract
1. Launch the function of take-profit and stop-loss based on return rates.
2. Add the function of “reversed order confirmation”, which means keep the existing position on, but add a new position going the other way.
3. Include the transaction volume in the market list.
4. Contracts in the Markets page supports the USD settlement and Bookmark function.
5. The UI of the Search page is optimized and the USD settlement and contract search function are available.

Ⅱ. Quantification
1. The USD settlement contract is available in the quantitative market selection list.
2. The USD settlement contract is available in the quantitative strategy selection list.
3. The USD settlement contract is available in the quantitative list.

Ⅲ. Mortgage
1. USD settlement is available
2. USD repayment is available, and the margin function is adjusted.
3. The logic of mortgage repayment is optimized.

Ⅳ. Others
1. The transaction record on the spot transaction page is more intuitive for users to view the current transaction and personal transaction records.
2. Optimized the UI and data display of the wallet spot account.
3. Fixed the bugs of the previous Beta version.
4. Optimized network nodes.
5. Optimized the push service.

Gate.io | Your Gateway to the Blockchain Universe

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Gate.io Team
December 10
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