Time period | Change amount | % Change |
1H | $-0.0000012 | -0.66% |
24H | $+0.000001895 | +1.06% |
7D | $-0.000002398 | -1.31% |
30D | $-0.00002135 | -10.57% |
1Y | $-0.0002913 | -61.72% |
KicksPad price today is $0.0001807 with a 24-hour trading volume of $53.00 K, and as such KicksPad has a market cap of $459.94 K, giving it a market dominance of 0.000034%. The KicksPad price moved +1.06% in the last 24 hours.
KicksPad reached its highest price on 2022-10-18 when it was trading at its all-time high of $0.1999, while its lowest price was recorded on 2024-08-05 when it was trading at its all-time low of $0.0001655. The current lowest price since the last cycle high was $0.0001655, and the highest price since the last cycle low was $0.1999. The social sentiment of KicksPad is currently Neutral.
The current circulating supply of KicksPad is 2.54 B KICKS. In terms of market cap, KicksPad is currently ranked 3966.
Next Unlock Events
Next Unlock Events
KICKS 594.6M
(11.89% Total Supply)
$107.26 K
(23.32% Market Cap)
Unlock Rounds 8
Unlock Rounds 8
KICKS 594.6M
(11.89% Total Supply)
$107.26 K
(23.32% Market Cap)
Name | Total | Locked | Unlocked |
Rewards | 30% | 12.86% | 17.14% |
Partnerships / Treasury | 25% | 12.5% | 12.5% |
Team | 20% | 11.58% | 8.42% |
Liquidity Fund & Market Making | 11% | -- | 11% |
Advisors | 5% | 3.18% | 1.82% |
Private Round | 3% | 3% | 3% |
Marketing | 2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5% |
Strategic Round | 2% | 2% | -- |
Public Sale (IDO) | 1.5% | 1.5% | 1.5% |
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Date | Market Cap | Volume | Open | Close |
2024-09-10 | $455.3K | 1.67B KICKS | $0.0001782 | N/A |
2024-09-09 | $446.47K | 1.57B KICKS | $0.0001753 | $0.0001782 |
2024-09-08 | $457.22K | 1.57B KICKS | $0.0001793 | $0.0001753 |
2024-09-07 | $444.06K | 1.64B KICKS | $0.0001739 | $0.0001793 |
2024-09-06 | $475.23K | 1.48B KICKS | $0.0001868 | $0.0001739 |
2024-09-05 | $467.11K | 1.76B KICKS | $0.0001838 | $0.0001868 |
2024-09-04 | $466.88K | 1.36B KICKS | $0.0001826 | $0.0001838 |