AllianceBlock Nexera Price NXRA
About AllianceBlock Nexera (NXRA)
AllianceBlock Nexera (NXRA) Price Trends
Time period | Change amount | % Change |
1H | -$0.0002595 | -1.17% |
24H | -$0.002933 | -11.80% |
7D | -$0.004338 | -16.52% |
30D | -$0.0119 | -35.20% |
1Y | -$0.031 | -58.58% |
Credibility Indicators
Reliability Score
Rank #1
TOP 20%
Live AllianceBlock Nexera (NXRA) Price Update
AllianceBlock Nexera price today is $0.02192 with a 24-hour trading volume of $438.90K, and as such AllianceBlock Nexera has a market cap of $17.34M, giving it a market dominance of 0.00069%. The AllianceBlock Nexera price moved -11.80% in the last 24 hours.
AllianceBlock Nexera reached its highest price on 2024-03-26 when it was trading at its all-time high of $0.2862, while its lowest price was recorded on 2024-08-08 when it was trading at its all-time low of $0.01848. The current lowest price since the last cycle high was $0.01848, and the highest price since the last cycle low was $0.2862. The social sentiment of AllianceBlock Nexera is currently Neutral.
FAQs: AllianceBlock Nexera (NXRA) Price
What determines the price movement of AllianceBlock Nexera (NXRA)?
What is the highest price of AllianceBlock Nexera price in history?
What is the lowest price of AllianceBlock Nexera price in history?
What is the current market cap of AllianceBlock Nexera?
How many AllianceBlock Nexera are there in the market?
What is the maximum supply of AllianceBlock Nexera?
What is the fully diluted market cap (or FDV) of AllianceBlock Nexera?
What is the price prediction of AllianceBlock Nexera ?
Is AllianceBlock Nexera a good investment?
How to buy AllianceBlock Nexera?
AllianceBlock Nexera Tokenomics
AllianceBlock Nexera Data Analysis
Fund Flow Percentage
Net Main Inflow
Net Retail Inflow
Market Sentiment
No record |
Fund Flow Analysis
Small Orders
Net Inflow ($)
Medium Orders
Net Inflow ($)
Large Orders
Net Inflow ($)
Funds Flow Record
Transfer Time | Inflow ($) | Outflow ($) | Net Inflow ($) |
No record |
Holding Distribution
Top 5 Address | Total |
Others | 100.00% |
AllianceBlock Nexera (NXRA) News
Nexera burns stolen 32.5M NXRA tokens following hack
Burning the stolen NXRA tokens is a significant step to ensure the long-term stability and integrity of the Nexera protocol.
Blockchain Protocol Nexera Suffers $1.8M Exploit, NXRA Tumbles 40%
Nexera, a blockchain infrastructure protocol that focuses on tokenization, has suffered an exploit with $1.5 million being stolen, according to blockchain security firm Cyvers.
AllianceBlock Nexera (NXRA) Announcements
MoreDate | Market Cap | Volume | Open | Close |
2024-09-19 | $19.02M | 17.35M NXRA | $0.02404 | N/A |
2024-09-18 | $19.13M | 7.91M NXRA | $0.02417 | $0.02404 |
2024-09-17 | $19.60M | 4.89M NXRA | $0.02478 | $0.02417 |
2024-09-16 | $20.11M | 4.28M NXRA | $0.02541 | $0.02478 |
2024-09-15 | $22.26M | 8.33M NXRA | $0.02813 | $0.02541 |
2024-09-14 | $19.95M | 9.17M NXRA | $0.02518 | $0.02813 |
2024-09-13 | $19.75M | 7.75M NXRA | $0.02494 | $0.02518 |
2024-09-12 | $20.91M | 10.68M NXRA | $0.02643 | $0.02494 |