What is BitDAO? All You Need to Know About BIT

BeginnerMar 24, 2023
BitDAO is a DAO focused on building a more equitable and decentralized future for finance through innovative initiatives and cutting-edge technologies.
What is BitDAO? All You Need to Know About BIT

BitDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a community-driven platform that aims to create a transparent and decentralized ecosystem for the funding and development of blockchain-based projects. BitDAO operates on the principles of transparency, decentralization, and collaboration, and its main goal is to create a sustainable and fair ecosystem for the blockchain industry.

What is BitDAO?

Founded in 2021, BitDAO has quickly become one of the most exciting and innovative DAO projects on the market. It was created by a group of investors, entrepreneurs, and developers who saw the potential of blockchain technology and wanted to create a community-driven platform that could help fund and support new projects in the industry. BitDAO is a decentralized platform, which means that theoretically it is not controlled by any central authority and is governed by its community of users.

Still, BitDAO and ByBit are closely linked, with ByBit serving as one of the founding members and major contributors to the BitDAO project. As a founding member of BitDAO, ByBit has helped to support the development of new technologies and DeFi initiatives and has also played an active role in shaping the direction of the BitDAO project, providing valuable input and expertise to help guide the platform’s development.

BitDAO’s aim is to create a level playing field for everyone on the planet by constructing a decentralized token economy. Holders of BIT tokens manage the protocol, which is mainly focused on DeFi. One of the initiative’s primary goals is to attract developer talent through token swaps and co-development efforts. The token swaps will allow the BitDAO treasury to amass a collection of the most valuable crypto project tokens. The vision of BitDAO is open finance and a decentralized tokenized economy. BitDAO hopes to support a wide range of projects such as DeFi, DAOs, NFTs, and gaming. Research and development, liquidity bootstrapping, and funding will all be provided.

BitDAO’s approach to funding and development is unique because it is community-driven. The platform is open to anyone who wants to contribute to the growth and development of the blockchain industry, and it provides a range of funding and support options for new projects. BitDAO is creating a new paradigm for funding and development in the blockchain industry, and it has the potential to become a major player in the space in the years to come.

History of BitDAO (BIT)

The BitDAO project was founded in 2021 by a group of investors, entrepreneurs, and developers who saw the potential of blockchain technology and wanted to create a platform that could help fund and support new projects in the industry. The founders of BitDAO included some of the most well-known names in the blockchain industry, such as Michael Arrington, co-founder of TechCrunch, and Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal.

BitDAO raised $230 million in a private sale of its token, BIT, which was one of the largest private sales in the history of the cryptocurrency industry. The funds raised were used to support the development of the platform and to provide funding for new projects in the industry.

In June 2021, BitDAO made its first major investment in the decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, SushiSwap. BitDAO provided SushiSwap with $7.1 million in funding, which helped to further develop the platform and expand its services.

Since then, BitDAO has continued to make investments in various blockchain projects, including decentralized exchanges (DEXs), non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces, and gaming platforms. BitDAO has also established partnerships with other major players in the blockchain industry, such as Polygon, a layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum.

BitDAO’s investments and partnerships have helped to establish it as a major player in the blockchain industry. The platform has demonstrated a commitment to supporting innovative projects in the industry and has shown that it is willing to invest in new technologies that have the potential to drive the adoption of blockchain technology.

Source: BitDAO - Partners

How does BitDAO work?

DAO and BIT token

BitDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. It is run by a community of token holders who have a say in the governance and decision-making process of the platform. BitDAO’s goal is to create a sustainable and fair ecosystem for the blockchain industry by funding and supporting new projects in the space.

To participate in BitDAO’s ecosystem, users need to hold the platform’s native token, BIT. BIT is an ERC-20 token that is used for governance, decision-making, and funding of new projects. Token holders have voting rights and can use their BIT to vote on proposals and decide how funds should be allocated.

Proposal-based System

BitDAO operates on a proposal-based system, where anyone can submit a proposal for funding or support. Proposals are voted on by the community, and if they receive enough votes, they are approved and funded. This approach ensures that the community has a say in the decision-making process and that projects that receive funding have the support of the community.

Project Funding and Support

One of the unique features of BitDAO is its ability to provide continuous funding for projects. Once a project receives funding, it becomes part of BitDAO’s ecosystem, and its ongoing development and growth are supported by the community. This creates a self-sustaining ecosystem where new projects can be developed and funded without relying on external sources of funding.

BitDAO also provides support to projects beyond funding. The platform has a team of experts who can provide advice and support to projects in areas such as marketing, development, and community management. This support helps to ensure that projects have the resources they need to succeed.

Source: Coin98

Transparency and Decentralization

BitDAO’s ecosystem is transparent and decentralized. All transactions and proposals are recorded on the Ethereum blockchain, which means that they are publicly visible and auditable. This ensures that the platform operates in a transparent and fair manner and that the community has trust in the decision-making process.


Finally, BitDAO is governed by a set of rules and regulations that ensure that the platform operates in a compliant manner. The platform is registered in the Cayman Islands and is compliant with local regulations. BitDAO also has a legal team that ensures that all projects and proposals are compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

The goal and mission of BitDAO

The goal and mission of BitDAO are to support the development and growth of the blockchain industry by providing funding and support to innovative projects. BitDAO aims to create a fair and sustainable ecosystem where new ideas can be developed and funded without relying on traditional sources of funding.

One of the key goals of BitDAO is to drive the adoption of blockchain technology by supporting projects that have the potential to revolutionize industries and improve the lives of people around the world. BitDAO believes that blockchain technology has the potential to change the way we live, work, and interact with each other, and it aims to be at the forefront of this change.

BitDAO also aims to create a decentralized and transparent ecosystem where the community has a say in the decision-making process. BitDAO believes that the blockchain industry should be governed by the community, not by a centralized authority. By giving the community a voice in the decision-making process, BitDAO aims to create a fair and transparent ecosystem that fosters innovation and growth.

BitDAO supports projects that are committed to sustainability and social impact. The platform believes that blockchain technology can be used to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as climate change and income inequality. By supporting projects that are committed to these goals, BitDAO aims to create a positive impact on the world.

In addition to funding and support, BitDAO aims to provide education and resources to help the community understand the potential of blockchain technology. The platform believes that education is key to driving adoption and growth in the industry and is committed to providing resources and support to help people learn about blockchain technology.

BitDAO’s goal is to be a leader in the blockchain industry by fostering collaboration and partnerships with other players in the space. The platform believes that by working together, the industry can achieve greater success and drive the adoption of blockchain technology.

BitDAO’s Initiatives

BitDAO is a platform that is focused on building a decentralized future for finance, and the platform has several key initiatives that are designed to support this mission. These initiatives are focused on developing new and innovative technologies, supporting education and outreach efforts, and building a strong and engaged community of users and developers.


Source: Mantle

One of the key initiatives on the BitDAO platform is Mantle, which is a developer-focused platform that is designed to support the creation of new and innovative DeFi applications. Mantle provides a range of tools and resources that make it easier for developers to build and deploy decentralized applications, including smart contract templates, developer tools, and other resources.


Source: Game7

Game7 is another BitDAO initiative, which is focused on creating new and innovative gaming experiences on the blockchain. Game7 is designed to be a decentralized gaming platform that allows developers to create games that are transparent, secure, and fair. The platform also includes a range of tools and resources that make it easier for developers to create engaging and immersive gaming experiences.


Source: zkDAO

BitDAO is also behind the creation of zkDAO, which is a decentralized autonomous organization that is focused on developing new and innovative privacy technologies. zkDAO is focused on creating new technologies that make it possible to conduct transactions on the blockchain in a fully private and secure way, without compromising on the decentralized nature of the blockchain.


Source: EduDAO

Finally, BitDAO is also behind the creation of EduDAO, which is an initiative that is focused on supporting education and outreach efforts related to decentralized finance. EduDAO provides a range of resources and tools that make it easier for people to learn about DeFi and understand the potential benefits of decentralized finance. This includes educational resources, community events, and other outreach efforts.

What is the BIT token?

The BIT token is the native token of the BitDAO platform. It is an ERC-20 token that is based on the Ethereum blockchain. The token is used as a means of exchange within the BitDAO ecosystem and is also used for governance and decision-making on the platform.

BIT token has the function to facilitate transactions on the BitDAO platform. Users can utilize BIT tokens to pay transaction fees, trade cryptocurrencies, and participate in various activities and services offered by the platform. The BIT token is designed to be a fast, efficient, and cost-effective means of exchange for users of the BitDAO platform.

Another important function of the BIT token is to enable governance and decision-making on the BitDAO platform. Token holders can use their BIT tokens to vote on proposals, such as changes to the platform’s protocol, funding requests, and other important decisions related to the platform’s development and growth. The more BIT tokens a user holds, the greater their voting power and influence within the BitDAO community.

The BIT token also plays an important role in the economics of the BitDAO ecosystem. The token has a limited supply, with a maximum of 1 billion tokens in circulation. This limited supply is designed to ensure that the token retains its value over time and is not subject to inflation or devaluation.

As the BitDAO ecosystem grows and develops, the demand for BIT tokens is expected to increase. This increase in demand is likely to drive up the price of the token, which could result in significant returns for early investors and token holders.

BitDAO’s Governance Model

BitDAO’s governance model is based on a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) structure. This means that the platform is governed by its community of token holders, who have a say in the decision-making process and the direction of the platform’s development.

BitDAO’s governance is divided into two phases. Phase 1 is the initial launch phase, during which the platform is governed by a small group of founding members. These founding members are responsible for setting up the initial governance structure and laying the foundation for the platform’s future development.

During Phase 1, founding members are responsible for making key decisions related to the platform’s development, such as approving new projects and funding proposals. These decisions are made through a voting process, with each founding member having an equal say in the decision-making process.

In Phase 2, the platform will transition to a fully decentralized governance model. This means that the BitDAO community will have the power to vote on proposals and make decisions related to the platform’s development and growth. During Phase 2, the governance model will be fully decentralized, with token holders having a say in all key decisions related to the platform’s future.

One of the key features of BitDAO’s governance model is its emphasis on community participation and engagement. The platform is designed to be community-driven, with the BitDAO community playing an active role in the platform’s development and growth. This ensures that the platform is responsive to the needs and desires of its users, and that it continues to evolve and improve over time.

To ensure that the BitDAO community is able to participate fully in the governance process, the platform has developed a range of tools and resources. These include forums, chat channels, and other communication channels that allow users to share ideas, discuss proposals, and vote on key decisions related to the platform’s development.

Is BitDAO (BIT) a good investment?

The BitDAO project has the potential to be highly relevant in the long term due to its focus on building a more decentralized and equitable future for finance. The project is centered around the principles of decentralization, transparency, and security, which are all critical components of a truly decentralized financial system. By working to develop new technologies and initiatives that support these principles, BitDAO is helping to create a more open and accessible financial ecosystem that is not controlled by any single entity or organization.

In addition, the BitDAO project has the potential to drive significant innovation in the world of decentralized finance. By supporting the development of new technologies and initiatives, BitDAO is helping to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of DeFi, and is opening up new opportunities for users and developers alike. As the platform continues to grow and evolve, it has the potential to become a key player in the world of decentralized finance, helping to shape the future of finance in a way that is more decentralized, more transparent, and more accessible to all.

How to own BIT?

One way to own BIT is to go through a crypto centralized exchange. The first step is to create a Gate.io account and complete the KYC process. Once you have added funds to your account, check out the steps to buy BIT on the spot or derivatives market.

learn.articles.author Gabriel
learn.articles.translator cedar
learn.articles.reviewer Hugo