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Thông báo Learn & Earn through Gate.io’s interactive Workshop ~ 1K Prize Pool Up For Grabs!
Learn & Earn through Gate.io’s interactive Workshop ~ 1K Prize Pool Up For Grabs!
2022-04-07 04:51:20 UTC 88456 Số lượt đọc

Gate.io is pleased to announce our interactive workshop series covering in-depth cryptocurrency trading on our platform. The workshop is interactive, so you can ask the instructor any questions you have during the live event and get a demonstration with your answer.By attending, you can dictate the content of the workshop to cover topics that interest you.

In addition to becoming a better trader, the workshop also offers the opportunity to win prizes. Gate.io will set the initial prize pool at $1,000 per month in giveaways, but this will expand in the future as more participants tune in to this live event series.

The format for the workshop will be first the instructor will teach concepts about the Gate.io platform, ecosystem, and/or trading in general. Followed by interactive questions from the community to mold the direction of the content. At the end, there will be a quiz on the concepts covered in the quiz. If you pass the quiz (score above 60%) then you will be eligible for cryptocurrency prize giveaways from the prize pool!

This workshop starts at 11AM UTC every Thursday. Please review the rules for the quiz and prizes below.

Terms and Conditions of the Workshop Prizes

  • Gate.io Workshop Quizzes are only eligible to be taken once per person per workshop. Participants can take a different quiz next week and try again, but can not retake the same test multiple times. If participants do not score a passing result on the quiz, they are not eligible for a retest. Please review the workshop video to ensure a proper understanding of the materials before taking the quiz.

  • Gate.io reserves the right to disqualify individuals who engage in any form of fraud, dishonesty, or cheating, including but not limited to taking the test multiple times, or sharing the answers with other individuals. In the event of a low audience attendance, Gate.io reserves the right to cap the max payout to an individual from the prize pool. This is especially true if adverse events prevent the workshop from functioning normally (power outages, instructor sickness, or acts of god).

  • The quiz is only eligible to be taken 4 hours after the completion of the workshop. Participants must have a valid Gate.io account to be eligible for prizes and this includes a KYC verification.

  • This workshop does not constitute financial advice. Please seek your own personalized financial advisor before placing any trades. Gate.io, nor the workshop instructor, have any market opinions and remain neutral. The workshop is for educational purposes only.

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