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Bull/Bear Prediction Vote

Step 1: Buy GT.1 GT = 1 vote.
Step 2: Choose your side and vote. The higher the number of votes, the higher the chance of winning.
Step 3: Share the voting page on social media, and attach the text “Bull is here“ or “Bear has come“.
Step 4: Screenshot and submit form
Step 5: After the vote, if BTC has a 15% increase in the next week (6.09-6.16), the bull prediction vote will win_ if there is a decline of 12% or more, the bear prediction vote will win_ in other cases, it will be a tie.


Bull/Bear Win: 100 random people from the winning side will be rewarded with $10 Gate.io Points.
Tie: 50 members from each side (100 in total) will be given $10 Gate.io Points.

The higher the number of votes, the higher the chance of being picked
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