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Announcements Gate.io Startup:Chainge (CHNG) Sale Result & Listing Schedule

Gate.io Startup:Chainge (CHNG) Sale Result & Listing Schedule

2021-06-19 05:37:42 UTC 93303 Read
1 Chainge (CHNG)Token Sale Result

The Gate.io Startup Chainge (CHNG)sale result is as follows:

CHNG Startup Sale Amount: 400,000 CHNG
Total value of orders (in USDT): 20,853,220 USDT
Total value of qualified orders (in USDT):20,195,320 USDT
Number of orders:7,525
Number of Qualified orders: 7,065
Percentage of qualified orders: 93.887043189369 %
Percentage of succeeded purchases: 96.845091549411 %
Number of participants: 7,525
Number of qualified participants: 7,065

Average qualified order value per user (in USDT): 2858.5024769993 USDT
Average distribution value per user (in USDT): 3.963198867598 USDT
Average distributed CHNG per user: 56.617126679972 CHNG

F (distribution ratio) = 0.0013864598332682

Per the previous announcement, all qualified orders will obtain the token on sale equally. To guarantee transparency and fairness, all original records are stored for possible third-party auditing.

Attention: Most unqualified orders occurred due to insufficient balance in the user account. Please ensure there is sufficient balance (exceeding the purchasing value) for the order by UTC 06:00 A.M. The insufficient balance will result in the cancellation of the purchase order.

2 CHNG Listing

We will commence CHNG trading at Jun 19th, AM 08:00 UTC. The withdrawal service will be available afterwards.

(1)Deposit CHNG at: https://www.gate.io/myaccount/deposit/CHNG

(2)Trade CHNG at https://www.gate.io/trade/CHNG_USDT

3 Gate.io Startup Initial Offer

Gate.io Startup has become increasingly more popular among users, with an excellent performance since its launch. In 2020, Gate.io Startup Initial Offer has upgraded to version 2.0. We are providing more flexible and diversified services to attract more promising projects. At the same time, we are aiming at providing more protections to our users.
If you are a project team and want to commence your initial token sale here, submit a request below.
Apply at: https://www.gate.io/listrequest

If you project has had initial token sale and wants to be listed at Gate.io, you may also apply to participate in our voting for listing activities. If you are our user and have a good project to recommend, please fill the application form and let us know. Let’s work together to boost the development of Gate.io and create more benefits to our users.

Gate.io is an established exchange that holds integrity, transparency, and fairness to a very high standard. We charge zero listing fees and only choose quality and promising projects. Our exchange consists only of 100% real trading volume. Thanks to everyone who has joined us in our journey. We always intend to improve and innovate to reward our users for their continuous support.

Gate.io Team
Jun 19th, 2021

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