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#FIGHT# , go take a look at the first level! The first level has been dumping all the time, and the pool is almost empty.
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#DOG# The fact proves that the BTC ecosystem is pure garbage, whether it's rune or inscription, leading is not as good as a meme token on Solana.
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#FROKAI# price has dropped significantly, I expect upward jumps
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What currency are we talking about? The key is Bitcoin. When there is a signal of weakness in Bitcoin, we will exit the market completely.
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Bitcoin and altcoins started the morning with a decline. Yesterday, BTC generally fluctuated around 66,000 dollars during the day, even though it rose above 67,000 dollars.

However, Bitcoin experienced a sharp decline in the late hours, dropping to $63,800. Although there is no clear reason behind the decline in Bitcoin, it seems that the decline in Ethereum and altcoins is due to the outflows in spot Ethereum ETFs. #HotTopicDiscussion#
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In the crypto world, nothing is impossible, only what you can't think of, and nothing ysarb can't do!
Thank you for information!
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#GAT# #HBAR# Gather with unity, show the power of the team, and write a successful chapter!
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#FIGHT# Today, if it goes down, there really won't be a Rebound. After the conference. Diarrhea
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#CATCOIN# #CATCOIN# If activated, starting from five times. Recently, the advertisement has begun to be distributed.
Like a Shiba Inu, having a website is an advantage and surpassing other cat coins is only a matter of time. Unlike meme coins, it has value storage like Shiba Inu coin. It is limited. Just search for cat coin website like Shiba Inu website worldwide.
The rocket is about to To The Moon, quickly share
ATS and ZKF announced a collaboration. The contact between ATS and MM is still ongoing. A significant step has been taken in global marketing.
Memerune or Wanko or X or Titan or Lobo or Decentralized or Runecoin or Wanko or BSVBRC or COM or Dust or Stsol or Audio or Gari or Polis or Doggo or Roa or APU or Memetoon or Kishu or Akita or Pogai or Mong or HMTT or FEG or WSB or Flokiceo or Hoge or Clips or LTO or Solo or Dusk or HiFi or Opul or STBU or CTC or XRWA or Dimo or GRT or Aleph or Ocean or ZF or Bel or MAV or Izi or Kat or BTETT or Aoro or Juice or Steth or Ankr or Storj or JST or Om or Sushi or Tru or ASD or Leo or MBOX or AXS or Starl or Raca or OMG or RDN or Voya or Lever or FET or Games or Lobo or People or Free or Tao or STX or WLD or Omni or Alu or Ladys or Myro or Core or Lai or YGG or Tai or AP or 20EX or Ornj or 1on8 or TX20 or O4DX or AIIN or BNSX or BankBRC or BISO or Biop or MMSS or GT or Arks or Pendle or Mobile or RNDR or KNon-fungible Token or OKB or UNI or ENA or Tia or NEAR or CFX or Sui or ETHFI or ZBU or Catcoin or Brett or Popcat or HNT or AR or Algo or Sei or Blur or LQTY or Zeus or CHZ or Ape or DOGE or 1Cat or Frog or BTO or ZSC or RBT or DKS or HMT or DKA or AISC or Marsh or Data or RLC or LAT or PQR or Moov or Lai or MBS or Ordi or Sats or Rats or BTCS or Sols or Pizabrc or PEPEBRC or Mubi or Ligo or Noot or CSAS or MMSS or Merl or WIF or Bome or Trac or Trio or Turt or Mice or Grok or Bonk or Sol or Babydoge or Floki or ETH or BTC or BNB or UNI or OP or ARB or SSV or Gal or Ondo or Polyx or Pepe or Atomarc or Dog or Satoshi or Shiba Inu or Memerune or Wanko or Shib or IQ50 or AVAX or ICP or FIL or KAS or XRP or ETC or DOGE or LUNC or ETHW or Magic or DNX or MANA or DYP or AMC or HIP or RED or TOKEN or Voya or KAS or PIGCOIN or BigTime or SLERF or Troll or BTC or ETH or ETC or DOGE or LUNC or ETHW or GOMD or
MASA or DYP or AMC or hip or red or redtoken or rem or move or oin or samo or cos or asmatch or flurry or CORE or BTC or NADA or ONDO or SH???B or DOGE or W???or???Q50 or AVAX or ???CP or F???or Flock or KAS or watt or gse or Fora or xeta or eul or meld or fort or ata or hpb or defiland or PIGCOIN or SMILE or SLERF or SOL or BOME or NADA or IQT or ONDO or SHIB or TRON or TRX or BABYELON or ADF or ZODI or HC or DAO or XRP or SUі or BABYDOGE or KіSHU or AіDOGE or RNDR or DC or ORDі or ARB orRTF or CRH or EXVG or Bonus or Vee or Wanko or EZ or Trio or CLH or Sync or GM or Maneki or ATS or Popcat or MEW or HBAR or Akt or Velo or MaviA or WIF or Kas or Bonk or Karrat or NVG or FAT or SNK or HDV or CAF or WASTE or BTC or ETH or UNO or XRP or BNB or FTM or SNAP or NEAR or ZBUor ADA or RATS or STX or LTC or GALA or DOT or ENS or TON or MATIC or ALT or JASMY or GROK or FET or FLUX or PIXEL or LUNA or ARKM or BCH or CSPR or TRX or ZETA or HBAR or ATOM or VANRY or PEOPLE or BSV or BLUR or MEME or FLT or CAKE or FTT or KDA or MANTA or RACA or NEVER or TROLL or CHZ orXLM or SSV or ASTR or AiTECH or 溫 or TAO or CRV or AEVO or ALGO or METALDR or UNI or JTO or XRD or ID or NIBI or AGI or RBN or 1CAT or SNX or PORT3 or GT or VRA or YOURAI or COQ or BRT or MANTA or BENDOG or SAND or BEAMX or LIME or TOMI or XCAD or ORDS or FRONT or DYDX or SGR or NEVER or YGG or DNX or MASK or AR or FCON or PHA or HFT or MOBI or MOG or HOOK or THL or OORT or BCUT or HNT or BIGTIME or PAAL or LPT or HGPT or MAGIC or SERSH or VC or SOLS or VELO or TURBO or MPC or ORN or GPT or AI or NFE or FAR or DIONE or GNGL or CHELL or NAKA or AMPL or USTC or CAGA or 移動 or BONE或NIZA或LRC or LUNC或 THETA or GMT or CHO or ROSE or JOE or NEON or IOTX or XEN or MEMETOON or PEPE2 or KEY or PENG or VET or AKT or AWT or DREP or ZKF or GFT or PRIME or CLORE or CETUS or POOH or CGPT or SKL or DAO or CYBER or ALEX or CTC or PNT or DODO or DATA or PORTAL or FIDA or MINA or ZBC or ATLAS or OSHI or DYM or ELON or GFI or PONKE or WORK or SUSHI or CEEK or MANA or PACE or ACA or HER or DOGGO or MPLX or WAWES or FTN or BTT or 決鬥 or ML or SPACE or SLP or CLV or OOKI or BMD or EGLD or MONG or TURT or PANDORA or SYN or SCA or POLICE or KSM or RBT or BAKE or TOX or WSB or ORCA or PEPE or zerc or nyan or sqd or people or ena or gala or maga or popcat or bb or zelix or brett or mew or Hippop or Mdus or GME or Pew or Note or Bengog or Punkai or High or W or Pizza or Zelix or Near or Mog or Ethfi or Item or Drift or Dog or GME or Spec or Safe or Not or Blaze or APU or HNT or MEW or GME or MMTOON or WUF or Pundu or Andyeth or Dogemob or Sats or Rats or Ordi or Mubi or AGIX or FET or Lime or Ocean or Her or AFI or HGPT or Orai or Pendle or Token or ATR or Polyx or Fil or Akt or Theta or Ocean or AIOZ or LPT or Flux or BSVBRC or Chax or Drac or Majo or MemeBRC or VMPX or MMSS or SS20 or Turt or BankBRC or MICE or AIIN or RDEX or AtomArc or TX20都很好#
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#osky# Attention, there may be a whale 🐳 🐳
memerune btc eth 20ex chaim champ cst rpk agg adf btmx brimal cvtx or wanko or x or Titan or lobo or decentralized or runecoin or wanko or bsvbrc or com or dust or stsol or audio or gari or polis or doggo or roa or apu or memetoon or kishu or akita or pogai or mong or hmtt or feg or wsb or flokiceo or hoge or clips or lto or solo or dusk or hifi or opul or stbu or ctc or xrwa or dimo or grt or aleph or ocean or zf or bel or mav or izi or kat or btett or aoro or juice or steth or ankr or storj or jst or om or sushi or tru or asd or leo or mbox or axs or starl or raca or omg or rdn or voya or lever or fet or games or lobo or people or free or tao or stx or wld or omni or alu or ladys or myro or core or lai or ygg or tai or ap or 20ex or ornj or 1on8 or tx20 or o4dx or aiin or bnsx or bankbrc or biso or biop or mmss or gt or arks or pendle or mobile or rndr or knft or okb or uni or ena or tia or near or cfx or sui or ethfi or zbu or catcoin or brett or popcat or hnt or ar or algo or sei or blur or lqty or zeus or chz or ape or doge or 1cat or frog or bto or zsc or rbt or dks or hmt or dka or aisc or marsh or data or rlc or lat or pqr or moov or lai or mbs or ordi or sats or rats or btcs or sols or pizabrc or pepebrc or mubi or ligo or noot or csas or mmss or merl or wif or bome or trac or trio or turt or mice or grok or bonk or sol or babydoge or floki or eth or btc or bnb or uni or op or arb or ssv or gal or ondo or polyx or pepe or atomarc or dog or satoshi or shibai or memerune or wanko or shib or İQ50 or AVAX or icp or fil or KAS or XRP or etc or doge or lunc or ethw or magic or dnx or mana or DYP or AMC or hip or red or token or voya or KAS or PIGCOIN or bigtime or SLERF or troll or BTC or ETH or etc or doge or lunc or ethw or gomd
MASA or DYP or AMC or hip or red or redtoken or rem or move or oin or samo or cos or asmatch or flurry or CORE or BTC or NADA or ONDO or SH???B or DOGE or W??? or ???Q50 or AVAX or ???CP or F??? or Flok or KAS or watt or gse or Fora or xeta or eul or meld or fort or ata or hpb or defiland or PIGCOIN or SMILE or SLERF or SOL or BOME or NADA or IQT or ONDO or SHIB or TRON or TRX or BABYELON or ADF or ZODI or HC or DAO or XRP or SUі or BABYDOGE or KіSHU or AіDOGE or RNDR or DC or ORDі or ARB or rtf or crh or exvg or bonus or vee or wanko or ez or trio or clh or sync or gm or maneki or ats or popcat or mew or hbar or akt or velo or mavia or wıf or kas or bonk or karrat or nvg or fat or snk or hdv or caf or fire or BTC or ETH or UNO or XRP or BNB or FTM or SNAP or NEAR or ZBU or ADA or RATS or STX or LTC or GALA or DOT or ENS or TON or MATIC or ALT or JASMY or GROK or FET or FLUX or PIXEL or LUNA or ARKM or BCH or CSPR or TRX or ZETA or HBAR or ATOM or VANRY or PEOPLE or BSV or BLUR or MEME or FLT or CAKE or FTT or KDA or MANTA or RACA or NEVER or TROLL or CHZ or XLM or SSV or ASTR or AiTECH or WEN or TAO or CRV or AEVO or ALGO or METALDR or UNI or JTO or XRD or ID or NIBI or AGI or RBN or 1CAT or SNX or PORT3 or GT or VRA or YOURAI or COQ or BRT or MANTA or BENDOG or SAND or BEAMX or LIME or TOMI or XCAD or ORDS or FRONT or DYDX or SGR or NEVER or YGG or DNX or MASK or AR or FCON or PHA or HFT or MOBI or MOG or HOOK or THL or OORT or BCUT or HNT or BIGTIME or PAAL or LPT or HGPT or MAGİC or SERSH or VC or SOLS or VELO or TURBO or MPC or ORN or GPT or AI or NFE or FAR or DIONE or GNGL or CHELL or NAKA or AMPL or USTC or CAGA or MOVEMENT or BONE or NIZA or LRC or LUNC or THETA or GMT or CHO or ROSE or JOE or NEON or IOTX or XEN or MEMETOON or PEPE2 or KEY or PENG or VET or AKT or AWT or DREP or ZKF or GFT or PRIME or CLORE or CETUS or POOH or CGPT or SKL or DAO or CYBER or ALEX or CTC or PNT or DODO or DATA or PORTAL or FIDA or MINA or ZBC or ATLAS or OSHİ or DYM or ELON or GFI or PONKE or WORK or SUSHİ or CEEK or MANA or PACE or ACA or HER or DOGGO or MPLX or WAWES or FTN or BTT or FIGHT or ML or SPACE or SLP or CLV or OOKİ or BMD or EGLD or MONG or TURT or PANDORA or SYN or SCA or POLİS or KSM or RBT or BAKE or TOX or WSB or ORCA or PEPE or zerc or nyan or sqd or people or ena or gala or maga or popcat or bb or zelix or brett or mew or hippop or mdus or gme or pew or not or bengog or punkai or high or w or pizza or zelix or near or mog or ethfi or item or drift or dog or gme or spec or safe or not or blaze or apu or hnt or mew or gme or mmtoon or wuf or pundu or andyeth or dogemob or sats or rats or ordi or mubi or agix or fet or lime or ocean or her or afi or hgpt or orai or pendle or token or atr or polyx or fil or akt or theta or ocean or aioz or lpt or flux or bsvbrc or chax or drac or majo or memebrc or vmpx or mmss or ss20 or turt or bankbrc or mice or aiin or rdex or atomarc or tx20 all good that's it#
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Buy the Dip 🤑Buy the Dip 🤑Buy the Dip 🤑To Da Moon 🌕To Da Moon 🌕To Da Moon 🌕To Da Moon 🌕
Say 666 point [love] The first 20 people will receive 6666666666 $BABYDOGE$ coins
Yesterday's subscription dynamics realized a profit of more than 4000 points for long positions on Bitcoin at $63500.
Recommended buying near 57000 on the 12th, recommended buying near 63000 on the 19th
Sell near 68500 recommended on the 21st. The leader has ten years of coin age, exclusive strategy. See the chart to verify whether it is accurate or not, subscribe to the leader's dynamics, and achieve long-term stable profits [strong][strong][strong]
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Keep up with the rhythm subscription make money
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Do not enter this coin, do not buy it, it will most likely be reset, and it is not normal for it to constantly suffer from sales. The whale will sell what it has in hand and delist it. This seems to be the case. It will be delisted.
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#GAT# #GAT# #GAT# Be cautious when purchasing this coin. Before making a purchase, conduct thorough research and it is recommended to read all posts and comments related to GAT here. There are dog shills flooding the comment section, amplifying rumors. This Pyramid Scheme has no bottom. It will continue to fall as long as there are real buyers. Their sole purpose is to sell coins. I have copied the posts from other people below: Hilarious, the so-called founder Dr. Liang is fake. He has a bunch of inexplicable titles, such as the Guangdong Province Encryption Research Institute, which he registered as a small micro-enterprise himself. It's a pyramid scheme. They have a data center and mining rig located in an office building in the city center. It's laughable. Which office building would allow you to do mining rigs with their electricity consumption and heat dissipation? Those who actually buy their mining rigs have no common sense. They dare not even send out the physical mining rigs to users. They can only be placed in their own data center. There is no technical content in the white paper, only useless distribution of outputs. Does anyone really believe that the mining rigs can mine anything? They even call for everyone to withdraw coins from the exchange, which is simply a control of liquidity. What trading volume is there in the market? They can dump hundreds of coins at once and crash it to single digits. The project party is also a mirage. They have a small mindset and refuse to spend money to pump. They don't even act and keep digging into the funds in the pool. Web3 has become a new track for pyramid schemes.
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Big idiot
You've been calling for so long, when can you get to 1U? When can you get to 1U with your low-level defamation and public opinion, even Ah Q wants to laugh 😂
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#BEES# I feel that this coin has great potential, everyone should buy in.
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The use of AI billing will get stuck and reduce the number of opening positions
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pro take me with you 💰
#PIRATE# in a 1week 2$
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#KAS# 600p Hahaha... If the price doesn't rise, the absenteeism will become a philanthropist [smiling][smiling][smiling][smiling][smiling][smiling]
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In the past twelve hours, RATS ate a little, TURBO ate a little, and PEW ate a little bit. MAGA also only has a little bit. Currently, the dealer is not daring to make big moves, only doing swing trading with small profits. Don't be picky. Today, the potential swing trading targets are MOG at 147 and MIGGLES, let's see if they can reach 76, 72, and 68. Enter in batches and run if it rises.

RATS is expected to pump less long. The take profit level may not necessarily be less long. If BTC does not show a significant big dump, there's basically no need to take profit. For now, I can only observe this. Please let me know if there are any short-term coins that you recommend.
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How about LDO and CORE?
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