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Thông báo Gate Union–YouTuber Partnership
Gate Union–YouTuber Partnership
2021-12-03 11:08:40 UTC 2665257 Số lượt đọc

In order to create awareness for Gate.io’s cryptocurrency platform, Gate has created a Youtuber partnership event. Every youtuber who loves crypto will have the chance to participate! Youtubers can measure their income based on the traffic of their videos. They can earn a stable income based on the number of your videos they produce. Accept Gate.io's invitation to get huge rewards every month!

Dec 3rd-Dec 10th

Complete the form to participate:

How to Join?

Please complete the form with your contact information, your salary expectations for each video and the link to your Youtube Channel. The price for each video will be decided based on the traffic of your Youtube channel.

You will be informed via our team member’s email once your application is approved. Afterwards, our team members will tell you the details for the requirements of the videos.


1. Every video will be eligible for the reward and we will confirm with you via email.

2. You can get a stable income according to the number of videos produced. The more views your video receives, the more rewards you can receive!

3. You can receive up to 40% spot trading commission on all trading fees from your invitees, and even have the opportunity to get a 30% futures trading rebate.

4. Your produced video may even have the opportunity to become the official promotional video of Gate.io YouTube, while gaining even more traffic support.

Complete the form to participate now:

- Have a good understanding of cryptocurrency

- The videos made are based on promoting Gate.io


1. The video cannot be deleted, and videos that have been used in other cooperative events for Gate.io will not be counted in this program;

2. All submissions must be original works of the participant. Re-submissions of videos from previous Gate.io competitions are NOT eligible for this program;

3. Rewards will be given in equivalent tokens and distributed to the winners’ accounts and can be viewed at“
My Wallets”–“ My Billing Details” ;
4. Participants must agree and comply with the Gate.io terms & conditions. Any content or actions that could bring disrespect to the Gate.io brand is strictly prohibited;

5. Only successful applicants will be contacted by the Gate.io Team directly;

6. We recommend the video to be in English, though other languages may also be considered;

7. Gate.io reserves all rights to the final explanation.

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3rd, 2021

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