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Pengumuman Development Progress of GateChain#1 (June 2020)
Development Progress of GateChain#1 (June 2020)
2020-06-08 08:32:54 UTC 80831 Baca
The launch of Testnet 4.0 in late May marked the release of the last testnet of GateChain in the run-up to the implementation of its Mainnet. As mentioned earlier, Testnet 4.0 delivered a 2000+ TPS and supported thousands of consensus nodes among numerous appealing features (for more details about Testnet 4.0, see https://www.gate.io/en/article/17512). Currently, the pressure testing and optimization of parameters prior to the introduction of GateChain Mainnet are underway.

Recent development progress has been listed as follows:

1. Deployed multiple nodes for Devnet with consensus protocol running stably; altogether 50 testing nodes have been deployed on Linode, AWS and other well-known platforms, with 5 in Atlanta, 11 in Fremont, 9 in Toronto, 15 in Tokyo and 10 in Singapore; each node is deployed with a consensus account.

2. Finished Mempool RecheckTx feature; “Recheck” is available when packing blocks, solving the problem of multiple nodes submitting transactions simultaneously; launched on Devnet.

3. Finished the feature of loyalty factor deduction for off-line consensus accounts; for consensus accounts that haven’t participated in the consensus mechanism for a long period of time, their loyalty factor would be deducted and included in the block header every 1000 transactions.

4. Upgraded the consensus account interface of Blockchain Browser; the number of times being admitted to the “committee”, handling fees and PoS rewards are added for common users to select their “proxy”; launched on Devnet.

5. Fixed the bug regarding excess s of Blockchain Browser; fixed the bug of excessive database connections in the event of a high TPS.

6. Finished Testnet 4.0 regression testing, with network running stably.

7. Implementing the “PoS Proxy” feature on desktop wallet is underway.

8. Finished 80% of code unit testing and code standardization for Gatemint.

9. Upgraded Gatechain RPC documentation.

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June 8th, 2020

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