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Анонсы Gate.io Blog:July 2022 | Monthly Featured Articles and Market Highlights
Gate.io Blog:July 2022 | Monthly Featured Articles and Market Highlights
2022-07-29 10:30:01 UTC 32414 Прочли

July Highlights

#Investors in massive BTC sell-off; #Bitcoin tourists purged; #El Salvador purchases an additional 80 BTC

🔷 Institutional Bitcoin Investors in Massive BTC Sell-off
“Arcane Research said that institutional investors have withdrawn 236,237 BTC since 10 May 2022. This amount is exclusive of the normal hedging and capitulation activities that usually occur during bear markets.”

🔷 Bitcoin has Expelled Market Tourists
“The Bitcoin network is approaching a state where almost all speculative entities and market tourists have been completely purged from the asset.”

🔷 El Salvador Purchases an Additional 80 BTC
“Posting on Twitter, President Bukele said, “El Salvador bought 80 #BTC today at $19,000 each! #Bitcoin is the future! Thank you for selling cheap.” To support the accuracy of his announcement, Bukele included a screenshot showing a successful BTC transaction.”

For more details, please refer to our blog post:July 2022 | Gate.io Monthly Featured Articles and Market Highlights

Gate.io Featured Articles

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July 29

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