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Анонсы Gate.io Will Support the Native Avalanche xHashtag (XTAG) Token
Gate.io Will Support the Native Avalanche xHashtag (XTAG) Token
2022-06-13 12:08:53 UTC 30156 Прочли
According to the xHashtag (XTAG) team, the Wormhole version xHashtag (XTAG) should be unwrapped to Native XTAG on Avalanche C-Chain. Gate.io will suspend the XTAG deposits and withdrawals for the Wormhole version of xHashtag (XTAG) starting Jun 14, 4:00 AM UTC to support this token swap and unwrap tokens for users. If your XTAG tokens are on Gate.io , you don’t have to do anything in particular. The XTAG trading will NOT be affected during the process.

Please note, after this swap, Gate.io will not support the current Wormhole XTAG any longer.
Contract address (Wormhole version) to be swapped: 0xA608D79C5f695C0D4C0E773A4938b57e18e0fc57

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Gate.io Team
June 13, 2022
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