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Анонсы Gate.io HODL& Earn Launches “SharkFin USDT 6-Day No.1”, Estimated Reward of 3%-20% P.A.
Gate.io HODL& Earn Launches “SharkFin USDT 6-Day No.1”, Estimated Reward of 3%-20% P.A.
2021-12-14 03:31:36 UTC 54235 Прочли
Gate.io HODL& Earn will launch its 1st shark fin structured product“Shark Fin USDT 6-Day No.1” on December 14th, at 04:00 AM UTC, with an estimated return of 3%-20% P.A. The total lock-up amount is capped at 2,000,000 USDT, with a lock-up period of 6 days. The shark fin product is principal protected.

Participate in via https://www.gate.io/hodl/972 or Tap Finance on markets screen and then tap “HODL&Earn”on the APP.

How does the Shark Fin USDT Weekly product bring you a return?
If at any time during the lifetime of the shark fin product, BTC price is equal to or below $44,500, or is equal to or above $50,000, the investor will get a minimum return (3%) on their principal at maturity.
If during the entire lifetime of the shark fin product, BTC price always stays within the per-specified range ($44,500-$50,000), investors will get a return up to 20% APR. (The closer to the $50,000 level, the higher the return rate).

Specifications of Shark Fin USDT 6-Day No.1
1. Lockup currency USDT
2. Zero handling fee.
3. Return: floating interest rate, ranging from 3%-20% APR
4. Interest currency: USDT
5. Subscri-ption starts-Lockup ends: 2021-12-14 04:00 AM — 2021-12-20 04:00 AM(UTC+8)
6. Lockup period: 6 days
7. Settlement Time: 2021-12-20 08:00 AM(UTC+8)
8. If at any time, the price is above or below the per-specified price range, the product is settled on a 3% APR. If prices always stay within the price range, the return rate will be determined according to where the underlying asset settlement price falls on Deribit at 8:00 AM UTC on Dec 20th.
9. If the market fluctuates drastically before the observation period starts,, we will adjust the price range to maximize investors’ return.

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December 13th
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