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Анонсы Gate.io Futures Halloween Airdrop Results and Reward
Gate.io Futures Halloween Airdrop Results and Reward
2021-11-04 04:04:05 UTC 32849 Прочли

The "Gate.io Futures Halloween Airdrop Event" has ended successfully on November 2nd. Thank you for your enthusiastic participation! According to the rules of the event, we will issue corresponding rewards to the winning users who meet the rules within 7 working days after the event ended. Users can go to "Wallet - Bill Details'' to check out the reward distribution.

Congratulations to the above winners and thank you for your support to this event!

Please dm us on Futures Twitter and provide your UID before 6:00 on Nov 6th.

More Details about the event:

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Gate.io Team
Nov 4th, 2021

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