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Pengumuman Auto-Investment User Guide (App Version)
Auto-Investment User Guide (App Version)
2023-01-06 06:03:13 UTC 102592 Baca
1. After you enter the Gate.io App, find and click on "Auto-Investment" on the homepage.

2. On this page, you will see the "Leaderboard". Click the drop-down arrow on the right side to check different auto-investment plans in terms of Past 30-Day ROI and Return Rate Since Creation and choose one that you'd like to copy.

3. Click on the product of your choice to check for more details about this plan. If you want to copy, click "Copy Investment" at the bottom.

4. Since you copy this investment, all parameters are set by default. However, you can revise them. After confirmation, click "Auto-Invest" to finish the creation.

5. If you don't want to copy this investment, you can click the "+" on the left side of the "New Currency" to create your own plan in which you can set the parameters as you like.

6. Then, you can go to "My Investment" to check the auto-investment you subscribed to just now.

7. Click on your strategy to view investment details. You can also edit, terminate, and suspend your strategy on this page.

❗️Note: Click on the pen icon to edit your strategy.

Gate.io reserves the final right to interpret the product.
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