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Pengumuman Gate.io "Bounty Creator plan - a worldwide campaign to explore bounty creators: Write, Publish & Earn!" #2 Awards
Gate.io "Bounty Creator plan - a worldwide campaign to explore bounty creators: Write, Publish & Earn!" #2 Awards
2022-12-16 01:21:50 UTC 9728 Baca
The event "Gate.io‘s “Bounty Creator” plan officially launched! Gate.io launched a worldwide campaign to explore bounty creators: Write, Publish & Earn!" has been started for a while. Thanks for your enthusiastic participation! According to the rules, we will issue random tokens to the following award-winning users. Users can view the contract bonus they have received in the “My Finance - “Billings”.

For more details, please view: Gate.io‘s “Bounty Creator” plan officially launched! Gate.io launched a worldwide campaign to explore bounty creators: Write, Publish & Earn!

We will randomly select 20 lucky fellows from the users who submit their works every week to give them a participation prize of $5-10 equivalent, including tokens, bonuses, points, etc;
Winners' UID (The list is not inclusive)

Congratulations to the above winning users! All rewards have been distributed to the winning user’s account. If you have any questions, please contact online customer service.

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Gate.io Team
December 16

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