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Pengumuman Gate.io Portfolio Margin Account Now Live
Gate.io Portfolio Margin Account Now Live
2022-12-02 14:34:27 UTC 37953 Baca
With the constantly evolving crypto industry and how fast-paced it is, we at Gate.io are constantly looking for ways to outperform and provide for the needs of our clients. We are proud to announce that our Portfolio Margin Account is now live, the latest feature of Gate.io's trading system.

This Portfolio Margin Account allows margin sharing, where the combined profits and losses will offset each other, and clients will not need to transfer funds back and forth across Spot, Margin, Futures, and Options accounts, etc. This improves capital efficiency, saves time and breaks down the funds' isolation across accounts within the Classic Accounts, which was previously the case.

For more information on the Portfolio Margin Account and how it works, kindly refer to the links below, or contact your respective Key Account Manager to find out more:

For new institutional/VIP business cooperation, please contact: [email protected] contact: @KA_EMEA,@KA_APAC.

Gate.io promises to continue to provide users with high-quality products, services, and trading experience, provide more strategic measures to ensure the security of funds, and ensure the management of user assets in a truly fair, transparent, and safe manner.

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Users who have traded more than $8 million on Gate.io or other exchanges in the past 30 days enter the Global Market Maker Program

Reach out to us!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
GateVIP Twitter:https://twitter.com/GateioVIP

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Gate.io Team
December 2, 2022
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