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Pengumuman Gate.io Scheduled USDT&USD&BTC Margined Perps Trading Engine Upgrade (19 November, 14:00-14:10 UTC)
Gate.io Scheduled USDT&USD&BTC Margined Perps Trading Engine Upgrade (19 November, 14:00-14:10 UTC)
2022-11-18 12:14:02 UTC 28289 Baca
Gate.io is going to upgrade and optimize the USDT, USD and BTC margined perps trading engine from 14:00-14:10 UTC on 19 November 2022. The upgrade will take about 10 minutes and partial service of USDT, USD and BTC margined perpetual contracts trading will be unavailable during the process. There might be trading interruption (about 1 second) and query interruption (about 1 second) on all perpetual contracts during the process. If you are an affected trader and API user, please adjust your strategies beforehand.

Affected services:
All USDT,USD and BTC margined perpetual contracts

This upgrade will improve user experience when trading perpetual contracts in the Portfolio Margin Account. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

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Gate.io Team
November 18, 2022

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