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Pengumuman Copy Trading "Good Idea" Collection Event Is Live! Make Suggestions & Win 10-20 Points!
Copy Trading "Good Idea" Collection Event Is Live! Make Suggestions & Win 10-20 Points!
2022-10-10 07:19:35 UTC 1335173 Baca
In order to further improve the satisfaction of copy trading users with the product and optimize the user experience. We hereby ask copy trading users for opinions and suggestions on copy trading products and functions. From now on, Copy Trading "Good Idea" Collection Event" is live! Your brilliant ideas and suggestions on copy trading are appreciated! Now join the event and show your "golden ideas" about copy trading to us!

Collection Time
Oct.10th,2022 to Oct.24th,2022

Collection Rules

(1) User-oriented. The ideas and suggestions you put forward should have a large audience coverage and benefit most users, which can reflect the needs and wishes of the majority of copy trading users.
(2) Strive for practical results. The opinions and suggestions put forward should always have a positive impact on optimizing the copy trading products and improving the user experience.

Collection Rewards

After the end of the collection event, we will review and select 10 "good ideas" to reward each with 10~20 Points.

Collection Channels

Users can participate in the following ways:
(1) Fill in the form:https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/2381
(2) Add copy trading customer service and put forward your "good idea": https://t.me/Kris88601

Sincerely thank you for your support and participation in copy trading, we will continue to optimize and innovate to ensure the majority of users' satisfaction with copy trading! Stay tuned!
1. Participants must fill in the form. Form submission will be verified with Gate.io backend records.
2. Rewards will be issued in the form of points, which will be issued within 7 working days after the event ends. Winnings can be viewed in "My Finance”- “Billing Details”
3. Users can only use one account. No sub-accounts allowed.
4. A user can submit multiple "good ideas". As long as one of your ideas is adopted, you can get rewards. If multiple "good ideas" of yours are adopted, you can get multiple rewards!
5. The Points can be used to offset spot and futures fees, with 1 Point deducting $1 fee, which is non-transferable and valid for one month.
6.Gate.io reserves the right to the final interpretation of this event.
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