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Pengumuman Make Your First Spot Trade - Receive Up to $1,000 Airdrop
Make Your First Spot Trade - Receive Up to $1,000 Airdrop
2022-08-05 15:49:02 UTC 32404 Baca
If you are a newbie looking for a reputable exchange to start your journey with crypto, then join Gate.io. Please register the form, and proceed to trade the first orders to receive a big airdrop.

Duration: Aug 5th - Aug 19th, 2022
Please fill in the form: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/2129

Activity 1: Make your first spot trading order, win an airdrop up to $1,000
During the event, you only need to do first spot trading, and if the total volume reaches $1,000 you will share a prize of $50,000.
We will give you ranking rewards based on your trading volume, new users can get up to $1,000 in rewards, first come, first served!

Activity 2: Existing users recommendation contest: share the $10,000 Prize Pool
This activity is for existing users only; when inviting new valid users you will get the following prizes:
the new valid users must have a transaction of not less than $1,000 .
The prize pool is limited and is on a first come first served basis.

Terms and Conditions:
1. Participants must fill out the form as required. User's rewards will be based on the data provided in the form.
2. The total amount of the prize pool is limited, first come first served.
3. Rewards will be issued within 14 working days after the event ends, and this can be viewed in "My Finance”-” Billing Details”.
4. Gate.io reserves the right to the final interpretation of this event.

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