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Pengumuman Another Week, Another Criss Cross Puzzle | Here's Your Chance To Win 20 $GT Tokens
Another Week, Another Criss Cross Puzzle | Here's Your Chance To Win 20 $GT Tokens
2022-08-05 09:27:52 UTC 29164 Baca

Hey Guys,
Cheers to another Criss-cross week!

In the Gate.io Criss-Cross Puzzle, you can win 20 #GT Tokens if you can solve a simple puzzle. The puzzle is all about finding the names of the latest projects that we have listed on the Gate.io platform.
We will be giving you some hints about the project and you will figure out their names.

Our criss-cross puzzles are in honour of
the Gate.io Startup program which has benefited millions of our users by giving them chance to participate in the early investment rounds of some really amazing projects.

How to participate?
Well, all you need to do is, check out our Gleam Contest in the link below and perform the tasks listed over there. If your answers are correct and you have performed all the tasks, we will be depositing 20 GT tokens in your Gate.io account within 14 working days.

Gleam participation link

20 GT Tokens

Contest Duration
5th to 12th August 2022

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