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Pengumuman Gate.io HODL & Earn Nexus Dubai (NXD) #1: Flexible Staking
Gate.io HODL & Earn Nexus Dubai (NXD) #1: Flexible Staking
2022-08-05 04:32:19 UTC 20595 Baca

Gate.io HODL & Earn NXD #1 will be available at Gate.io's “HODL & Earn” under the flexible-term section. The interest rate is variable and the investment term is 28 days. Investors can subscribe to the product with no lock-up.

What? Flexible Staking & Earn NXD #1
When? 9:00 UTC, August 8th
Who? All gate.io users (KYC approved)

Rules of Flexible Staking & Earn NXD #1:
1) Subscribe directly, no need to lock up the token
2) Start Position: 1 NXD
3) Estimated annualized return is about 50%
4) Interest is calculated based on the 7-day average amount of token in position (excluding borrowed positions) and is distributed every day.

Nexus Dubai (NXD) Project
UAE Merchant Network,The NXD Project, in partnership with various companies in the UAE, can be used in many retail stores, restaurants in Dubai. Stores can also become members without having to spend a large amount of money to install the system as is usually the case. Payment can be made easily at a wide range of places including large shopping malls, supermarkets, food deliveries, hotels, etc. Since incentives are provided, it is possible to enclose inbound commercial areas.

Important notice:
Locking your asset for a certain period of time is required. Your asset and interest will not be available until the end of the lockup term. You are unable to unlock and trade during that period of time, even if there are price fluctuations on the market. The interest received may not be sufficient enough to cover the losses caused by the price change. Please fully understand the risks.

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Gate.io Team
August 5th,2022
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