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Pengumuman Gate.io HODL & Earn: Flexible Staking INTR(Phase 1)
Gate.io HODL & Earn: Flexible Staking INTR(Phase 1)
2022-07-12 03:27:41 UTC 19280 Baca

Flexible Staking & Earn INTR #1 is enabled on Gate.io Hodl & Earn under the flexible-term section. Its interest rate is variable and the investment term is 28 days. Investors can directly subsbribe to the product with no lock-up.

How to subscribe:
App: Click Markets>Hodl & Earn>Flexible Term>Flexible Staking
Web: https://www.gate.io/hodl/1320
Join us & know more: https://t.me/gateio_hodl_en

Rules of Flexible Staking & Earn INTR #1 (28 days)
1. Flexible staking, directly subscribe to it and have no need to lock up the token
2. Start Position: 1 INTR
3. Annualized yield: Floating Interest Rate
4. Start Time: 2022-07-12 9:00 UTC
5. The interest is calculated based on the 7-day average amount of token in position (excluding borrowed positions) and is distributed every day.

Interlay (INTR) Project
Interlay is a decentralized network dedicated to connecting crypto-currencies like Bitcoin with DeFi platforms like Polkadot and Ethereum. The Interlay network is hosted as a Polkadot parachain and will be connected to Cosmos, Ethereum and other major DeFi networks.

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Gate.io Team
July 12th,2022

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