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Pengumuman Gate.io HODL & Earn: Lock ZEUM To Earn 150% APR(Phase 2)
Gate.io HODL & Earn: Lock ZEUM To Earn 150% APR(Phase 2)
2022-06-14 04:43:27 UTC 17267 Baca
The ZEUM Lock-up & Earn #2 will launch at 8:00 UTC on June 16th at Gate.io 's“HODL& Earn”, with an estimated reward of 150% P.A.
The HODL Link: https://www.gate.io/hodl/1292

Join Gate.io HODL & Earn Telegram group: https://t.me/gateio_hodl_en

Rules of ZEUM Lock-up & Earn #2 (Term 14 days)
1. Start Position: 800 ZEUM
2. Maximum Position: 54,290 ZEUM
3. Start Time: 2022-06-16 8:00:00 UTC
* The principal and interest will be distributed when the lock-up period ends

About ZEUM
Colizeum is a decentralized blockchain game store. Colizeum's set of tools allows developers to create blockchain mobile games without hiring a blockchain developer team. It bridges the gap between the traditional gaming world and the blockchain world to those hundreds of thousands of mobile game developers that are still struggling with monetizing & scaling their games. For gamers Colizeum allows them to earn and truly own their in-game assets.

Important notice:
Locking your asset for a certain term is required. Your asset and interest will not be available until the end of the lockup term. If there is any price fluctuation on the market, you are unable to unlock and trade immediately. And the interest received may not be sufficient to cover the loss caused by the price change. Please fully understand the risks.

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Gate.io Team
June 14th,2022
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