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Pengumuman Celebrate the Gate.io Pizza Festival! Share Your Strategies & Win $1000!
Celebrate the Gate.io Pizza Festival! Share Your Strategies & Win $1000!
2022-05-25 08:53:40 UTC 31482 Baca
Win pizza carnival reward by sharing your strategies in our copy trading community and Twitter. First come, first served!

Event form: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/1814/?ch=1814
Duration: May 25, 2022, 11:00 - May 31, 2022, 12:00(UTC)

Event 1: Share in Telegram Group
During the event, share your yield curve of copy trading strategy in the Quant telegram group by tagging any group member, and submit a sharing link in the registration form. The system will draw 100 users to share the $500 pizza festival reward. Join the Quant telegram group.

Note: If there are less than 100 participants, the prize pool will be reduced proportionally.

Event 2: Share in Social Media
During the event, share your yield curve of copy trading strategy in Twitter by tagging three friends, and submit a sharing link in the registration form. The system will draw 100 users to share the $500 pizza festival reward.

Note: If there are less than 100 participants, the prize pool will be reduced proportionally.

How to share your strategies on the PC:

Go to the Copy Trading page - click "My Page" - take and post the screenshot of the running or historical strategies.

How to share your strategies on the APP:

1. Participants must fill in the form as required. You can join in both event one and event two. The event data is subject to the Gate.io backend;
2. Users can only use one account. No sub-accounts can be used in the activity.
3. Rewards will be issued in the form of points (valid for one month), which will be issued within 14 working days after the event ends, and this can be viewed in "My Finance”-”Billing Details”
4. The Points can be used to deduct spot, contract, copy trading fee,with 1 Point deducting $1 of fee, which is non-transferable and valid for one month.
5. Risk warning: virtual currency trading is affected by many factors such as market fluctuations and policies. The market fluctuates greatly, and it is difficult to predict. Please make sure to know the market’s risks and trade with caution.
Gate.io reserves the right to the final interpretation of this event.
Gate.io Team
May 25th, 2022
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