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Pengumuman Gate.io Sponsors Paris NFT DAY, Follow on Twitter to Win $8,880 DFL Prizes
Gate.io Sponsors Paris NFT DAY, Follow on Twitter to Win $8,880 DFL Prizes
2022-04-11 13:55:46 UTC 983275 Baca
As one of the earliest and largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Gate.io will participate in Paris NFT DAY. And sponsoring it, Gate.io is committed to making an ongoing contribution to the advancement of the industry.

To attract more people's attention and support to the industry, Gate.io has prepared very exciting interactive events. No matter where you are, you can participate and stand a chance to win great prizes.

If you are on the scene, you can join Gateio's live event on Paris NFT DAY, April 12. There is an e-sports area where you can experience, take photos with Gate.io elements and tweet, buy NFTs then you can participate in lucky draws.

It's okay if you're not on-site, you can also join the Twitter event organized by Gate.io - Follow @gate_io on Twitter, Like, Tweet, and stand a chance to be one of the lucky winners to share in the $8,880 DFL prize.

Follow, Like, Tweet, and Win the Rewards
Twitter event: Follow @gate_io and Win Prize
Duration: April 12, 2022 - April 12, 2022 23:00

1: Follow @gate_io;
2: Like & Quote with #Paris NFT DAY;
3: Post tweet about group photo with #Gateio in #Paris NFT DAY or Create pictures with @gate_io elements online.
*After the event, Gate.io will draw 30 lucky winners who will share $8,880 DFL prizes.

1. Rewards will be distributed within 14 working days after the event ends;
2. Gate.io reserves the right to the final interpretation of this event.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
Telegram: https://t.me/gate_zh
Podcast: https://gateio.buzzsprout.com/?ch=buzzs

Gate.io Team
April 11,2022

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