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Pengumuman Join Part 2 of the Stars of Gate.io Copy Trading Education!
Join Part 2 of the Stars of Gate.io Copy Trading Education!
2022-03-23 09:31:16 UTC 30475 Baca
As a content creation incentive program, the Stars of Gate.io Copy Trading Education aims to invite and cultivate a number of brilliant creators in the crypto space. In this program, Gate.io will help participants to run their copy-trading community accounts, offer them "traffic support", and reward them with income and benefits in various forms.
This is a win-win project.

Application Duration: Mar 23rd, 19:00 - Mar 30, 19:00 (UTC)

Application form: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/1596?ch=Education

1. Fill in the registration form
2. Gate.io contacts you
3. Verify the qualifications
4. Distribute Rewards

Ⅰ. You will get:
1.At least 10,000+ followers
2. At least 5 ways to earn income

Ⅱ. You need to meet one of the following requirements:
1. Own a quantitative community with over 300 active members;
2. Constantly create exciting content on Western-media platforms;
3. Quantitative investment experience are preferable;
4. Stay active on the Gate.io copy trading community;

Ⅲ. Things you need to do:
1. Post quant trading educational material;
2. Support and participate in all Copy Trading activities (Participation is rewarded with a gift);
3. Join the Gate.io Copy Trading in Posts, and help the posts gain more followers.

Ⅳ. Benefits:

1.Fixed pay:
2.Rewards for your excellent creation:
3.Referrals bonus:
4.Exclusive prizes from activities:
5.Gained more followers
6.Upgrade to higher VIP level

Ⅴ Termination of cooperation
1. Those who fail to pass the monthly assessment. Also, non eligible for the monthly benefits;
2. Those who start rumors or perform actions that damage Gate.io’s image;
3. Those who disclose confidential information, such as chat screenshots, etc.;
4. Those who conduct frauds under the disguise of the program. Such actions will be reported to the authorities.

You're welcome to reach out to our staff on:

Telegram: @Gateio_Trading_Bot


If the program interests you, click the application form and join now!

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