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Pengumuman Gate.io Adds Support For EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, And JPY
Gate.io Adds Support For EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, And JPY
2022-02-23 18:05:40 UTC 51064 Baca

Dear Gate.io users,
We are so excited to announce a new feature from our fiat on-ramp partner Legend Trading.

EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, and JPY deposit using bank transfers (SEPA, Faster Payments, WireTransfer, ACH and more) is now available. The new partnership allows all Gate.io users to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether USDT with EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, and CAD directly using bank transfers.

Start trading in 4 easy steps:
1. Log into your Gate.io account. Go to Buy Crypto → Bank Transfer → Legend Trading
2. Select your preferred fiat currency on the top right
3. Click Deposit Now link and follow the funding instructions
4. Purchase crypto using your fiat account, enjoy trading!

Legend Trading:
Legend Trading (https://legendtrading.com/) is the leading US regulated crypto trading firm used by 500+ institutions in a compliant way around the globe. We provide a payment infrastructure that helps connect traditional banking systems to cryptocurrency platforms and exchanges.

We hope this new payment method will improve your investing and trading experience with us, and thank you again for choosing Gate.io/Legend Trading!

If you have any questions, please contact Legend Trading at [email protected].

Gate.io is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Since 2013
Top ranking, Trustworthy, Transparent

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Reach out to us!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
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Podcast: https://gateio.buzzsprout.com/?ch=buzzs

Gate.io Team
February 23, 2022

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